Monday, November 22, 2004

g gordon liddy : voice of unreason.


too polite a word for what's wrong with this bastard. he is completely, utterly and totally deranged.

the scary but is not his insanity, it's that so many of those mother-fucking american bastards listen to the runtish little cunt as if he has something meaningful to say to the world.

civil rights groups condemn blunkett's anti-terror plans.

i really don't know what goes on in david blindkuntt's head, but his paranoia and fascism are frightening.

he's more than happy to throw away due process, habeas corpus, double jeopardy protection, and all our other, well established judicial process in order to placate his fevered imaginings.

all the recent terrorist attacks on the u.k. have been straightforward criminal acts which are more than adequately dealt with using existing laws.

locking people up because of what they might do is a very, very long way down the road to fascism and must be resisted by everyone in this country who does not fancy being thrown in prison and the key thrown away just because of what they think, say or, worse, what some other fucker claims they've thought or said.

blindkuntt is a completely mad bastard who should not be in charge of such a sensitive department as the home office.

he must be removed from office before we have blackshirts masquerading as police on every street corner, locking up everyone who looks like a muslim or who isn't carrying their identity card or who talks back to some over-sensitive, dickless wonder of a cop.

as for being allowed to drug-test people on arrest and bust them for having drugs in their blood-stream - this is the most fascist thing i've heard in my fucking life.

it won't be long before the police are using this to harass every fusker thay don't happen to like the look of.

i repeat, the bastard's mad, he's doing all this to give the private prisons companies a load more new prisoners, and he must be removed from office.

Friday, November 19, 2004

so, this is the result of the marvellous liberation and democratisation of afghanistan by the evil u.s. : .

putting money in the pockets of drug dealers.

good work, cunt bush. good work, cheney. good work, condi. good work, powell.

given that karl rove is the real brains of the outfit, makes you wonder whether the cunt's getting back-handers from the big drug dealers.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

jack dalton: come let us reason together...

seumas milne : if the u.s. can't fix it, it's the wrong kind of democracy.

absolutely correct.

cunt bush and bliar are only interested in one thing - making life easy for u.s. and u.k. corporations to take over all the utilities which should be in public ownership throughtout the world, and they'll go to any lengths, including starting illegal wars to bring this about.

neither of these bastards cares about real democracy - they'd both prefer to be dictators (cunt bush already is one, since he has not been elected now on two occasions).

schools promised powers to body-search pupils.

i've stated this before and i will do so again: if some kiddie-fiddler ever goes near my child in order to do some sort of 'search', i will beat the living shit out of him/her, and i won't care if i go to prison for it; at least the mother-fucker won't be able to lay a finger on my child again - 'cos s/he won't have any fingers left.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

john lettice : blunkett explains your terror nightmares - be very afraid.

blindkuntt is reacting to fears which have no basis.

what a kuntt.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

john chuckman : welcome to ripley's believe it or not of christianity

scroll down past the fund-raising message. better still, read the fund-raising message and donate to counterpunch.

Monday, November 15, 2004

u.s. denies need for falluja aid convoy .

the real reason the u.s. military don't want the red crescent in falluja is that they don't want their massacre of the civilians in the city to come to light.

having so far killed 100,000 iraqi civilians, reported in the lancet, the most respected medical journal in the world, and having convinced the corporates' mouth-pieces in the media to pretend that the figures are inaccurate, the fascist bastards in the pentagon and in whitehall now have their lackeys denying any civilian casulaties in falluja.

fortunately, there are still journalists who will tell it more like it really is : a city lies in ruins, along with the lives of the wretched survivors, although even here we're told there were "few civilians left" in the city before the destruction started. why lie? there were about 30,000 civilians still there. they're probably almost all dead - so, i suppose, bliar and cunt were right - there's no need for aid 'cos there's no-one left alive to receive it.

stan goff (torure and cinema) has a good explanation of how why many people will accept this behaviour and the lies that go with it.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

john pilger : iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal

Thursday, November 11, 2004

joe bageant: hung over in the end times

this is something that everyone who uses the internet needs to fight, and fight hard : we seize servers, you can't complain - u.s. gov

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

gambling boss gave £50,000 donation to the labour party.

is any comment really necessary?


sorry, a comment really is necessary.

i want to start a new business. i won't bother investing in the business to make it competitive and attractive to my customers. i'll just give bliar a big back-hander. he'll make it successful for me by changing the law.

end of problem.

one confusing thing, though:

"80 per cent of labour's donations came from trades unions".

so why is it that labour's policies favour capitalists, not workers?

if a gambling company can buy policies, why can't my union, with its much bigger donations?

'cos bliar has other priorities than helping the people who really keep his corrupt little party going, the unions. he is feathering his nest for his retirement, when he'll have nice, cosy directorships with lots of companies who he's helped during his premiereship and will never have to work again.

idle, selfish bastard.

lawyers warned to end 'compensation culture'.

isn't this a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

wasn't one of bliar's first actions on becoming prime minister to allow solicitors to advertise?

did not this government create the very compensation culture they're now criticising?

did not many people warn that this is the exact situation that would arise when the blood-suckers lawyers were allowed to advertise?

did not bliar and his arse-hole cabinet ignore those very warnings?

and now we're all paying for it with increased insurance premiums and fear of making even the tiniest mistake.

Monday, November 08, 2004

i can't believe that the merkuns voted for bush.

either the election was rigged or the u.s.a. is truly a nation of morons.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

met in crisis as protesting officers lay down arms.

good. there'll be more innocent people walking home safely tonight, then, since they won't be getting shot by trigger-happy loons.

innocent people are more likely to be shot by police than by criminals, so the cops disarming themselves can only be a good thing.