joe bageant: karaoke night in george bush's america.
melancholic in mid glamorgan
anthony berrow's rantings from the west side of offa's dyke
the evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people - frank kentFriday, August 27, 2004
Thursday, August 26, 2004
adam price : now for the politics of last resort - impeach tony bliar.
it makes me very proud that the man who is doing this is a welshman, a member of plaid cymru - the party of wales.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
there is something which i find so bloody annoying and frustrating about the whole guantanamo bay 'hearings' thing, vis, 'military-appointed lawyer, lt cmdr charlie swift, said before the hearing that he planned to ask for charges to be dropped. he said mr hamdan, who denies terrorism, should have had the chance to contest his status as "enemy combatant" in a u.s. civilian court.'
there is no such thing as an "enemy combatant" in u.s. or in international law.
lt cmdr swift should not be saying that mr hamdan should be allowed to "contest his status", he should be demanding mr hamdan's right to habeas corpus and to a trial, if there should be one at all, in a civilain court.
the "defence" lawyers have had their possible defence so circumscribed by resident
if this is justice, i'm a zionist convert, and i'm off to invade palestine. see ya.
read this : sheila samples, 'blame the terrorist behind that tree', replacing the american politicians samples names with their opposite numbers in bliar's government and, with the exception of the supremes selecting the u.s. prseident, you have exactly the same thing happening in the u.k. as in the u.s.
stop the planet ...
in an abberant moment during the last few weeks, i criticised ralph nader for standing for u.s. president, believing that anyone-but-bush was the correct stance to take in that election.
mea culpa.
mr nader is the only u.s. political figure who has the balls to stand-up for our rights against the ever-more-powerful, ever-more-greedy, ever-more-dangerous corporations.
long may he live and thrive.
anyone who's wondering whether there is any real political discourse in american music these days should read some of leonard cohen's lyrics : "the rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor" (tower of song from i'm your man).
john pilger : the warlords of america; bush may be the lesser evil.
Monday, August 23, 2004
mike whitney : reincarnating mengele; the torture doctors of abu ghraib.
evil? gruesome? sickening?
think it would never happen here?
gerry adams : i have been in torture photos, too; abu ghraib is no surprise to irish republicans, "once i was aroused from unconsciousness by a british army doctor. he seemed concerned about damage to my kidneys. after he examined me he left and the beatings began again."
so, a british army doctor revived a prisoner so he could be further tortured - a phrase whitney repeated in his article, above, because he was so shocked and sickened by it. there is nothing new in the cruelties meted out by humans to humans that the british government has not tried and condoned. after all, who invented the concentration camps so recently revived by the u.s. at guantanamo bay?
and don't think it's just a few, 'renegade', psychotic doctors who condone this behaviour. i know a woman, a psychologist, mother of two children, who has said that she'd be happy to use the data that mengele and his butchers gathered, 'cos "it'd be a pity to waste the data, never mind how it was come by".
and she's allowed to call the shots about how often her ex-husband's allowed to see his child!
israel's going to build 553 new 'israeli' homes in the west bank.
can you say : land grab?
can you ask : when is the fucking united nations going to do something about the group of thieves and terrorists who run israel; stealing palestinian land and leaving palestinians to starve?
the zionists are a vile, evil group of people. the u.n. needs to remove them from power - now.
i see david davis is trying to get his sad little party some cheap publicity by saying the tories might repeal the human rights act because it has not led to the benefits we'd been promised, but has instead led to a "cancer of litigation".
i'm sick to death of people like this trying to remove my rights, hard fought for and constantly watered-down by people like him whose only real intent is to make me easier to govern and police.
so, give me a proper constitution and a bill of rights, drawn-up with full public (as opposed to corporate) consultation, and i might support repealing the human rights act, until then i'll make do with some slightly unfortunate consequences of it and will kick davis in the constitutional bollocks if he conspires with the likes of blindkuntt, bliar, hoon and straw to reduce my freedoms even more.
Friday, August 20, 2004
yet another compelling reason for governments to prevent the production of more of these wasteful, dangerous, polluting, ugly heaps of shit : 4x4s replace the desert camel and whip up a worldwide dust storm.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
rosabeth moss kanter: worried about security? consider "the handmaid's tale".
fidel castro : the pathology of george bush.
"hail, caesar! i say, but this time i add: those who are willing to die have no fear of your enormous power, of your unbridled rage, nor of your dangerous and cowardly threats against cuba!"
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Monday, August 16, 2004
why the fuck is not everyone in this country up in arms about blindkuntt's i.d. card proposals?
even the information commissioner, richard thomas, an establishmen figure, if ever there was one, is scared to fuck about them.
why aren't you? and why aren't you doing something about it?
fax your m.p. and tell her/him that you won't vote for her/him if s/he votes for this fucking scheme.
why might the iraqi "government" order journalists to leave najaf?
there can only be one real reason : to cover-up a planned massacre.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
i am absolutely fucking ashamed of three things to do with this : evidence gained by torture allowed by british judges.
- that i live in a country where the government would dream of going to court asking for permission to use 'evidence' gleaned in such a way;
- that two british judges are prepared to go along with such an inhumane way of gathering 'evidence';
- that the british legal system is so crap that the opinions of just two people are sufficient to make this allowable;
blindkuntt and his ilk must be removed from government as soon as possible. he and his cronies are a bunch of fascists who will, i guarantee, within just a few years, be asking for the right to torture prisoners in britain, not just overseas.
for fucks's sake, britain, wake up. if you're not scared for yourself, be scared for your children and get rid of this bastard and his fucking fascistic arse-hole of a leader - friend of despots and dictators.
please, america, not this war-mongering bastard.
as i've said before, anyone but bush, just not this anyone.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Monday, August 09, 2004
why has it taken a complete loss of trust in bliar for "new" labour to spot that the electorate don't want his policies? neal lawson and paul thompson : the stakes are too high.
people who are in the middle of politics never get it until it's too late. they never talk to ordinary people to find out what they want and need. bliar's pretended to, with his focus groups and other crap like that, but the labour m.p.s should have done what they used to do - get out on the streets and speak to their constituents and find out exactly what people want.
"new" labour has squandered the trust the british people put in it because it allowed, yet again, a charismatic leader to set an agenda of his own, instead of making it clear to him who was in charge - the electorate. so, they will reap what they have sown.
Friday, August 06, 2004
bliar is the worst p.m. this country has ever had, worse even than that odious thatcher woman, his spiritual predecessor.
he has allowed british citizens to be tortured at guantanamo bay. the report details british soldiers (s.a.s., they claimed), torturing illegally-detained british men.
bliar must be impeached for continued and continuing war crimes, the vile, tory bastard.
eric silver & sa'id ghazali : uprooted trees, razed houses... israel leaves its calling card in gaza.
"they have no justification for doing this. it is deliberate destruction of our economy. they have destroyed everything, three automatic pressing machines, the offices, the cement containers, even the marble floors under the machines. my 15 workers will be unemployed."
abdel kareem abu jarad and his extended family of 26 had their two-storey home commandeered as a base for the army. when they heard that the soldiers had gone they returned, only to watch a bulldozer razing the building.
the israelis who do this to palestinians are worse than the lowest scum on earth.
boycott israeli produce.
freudian slips abound whenever the cunt speaks : "will never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people".
Thursday, August 05, 2004
the vile bastards cunt and bliar are no better than the most horrible despots of the past. the treatment of prisoners at the u.s. concentration camp at guantanamo bay is no better than that of the millions killed by the nazis in ww2.
cunt, bliar, cheney, hoon, rumsfeld, straw should all be impeached immediately and charged with war crimes, as should the absolutely disgusting major general geoffrey miller who runs guantanamo bay and ran abu ghraib. the man's obviously relishing the abuse of these illegally detained people and needs to be brought to book.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
u.s. and u.k. on 'terror' alert because of intelligence that is three- to four-years old.
yet again, one has to ask: why use the word 'intelligence' for this crap? why does anybody believe any of the utter fucking nonsense spoken by most politicians? who are the real terrorists?
labour membership halved.
the bastards don't deserve anyone's support except that of the extremely rich, who have never had it better (gap between rich and poor growing fast under bliar).
i find it amusing that "senior party figures concerned at continuing slide in numbers as 25,000 leave in last six months", since this is exactly what one would predict for a party which has completely deserted its former constituency - the working people of the u.k. - not just working-class, but people like me in the lower-middle class.
since bliar became prime minister, the wealth of this country has slid inexorably, further and further into the hands of the already-rich. all he's done is continue the work of the vile thatcher, who described him, incredibly accurately, as her "spiritual successor".
why the fuck would any working person want to be a member of a party which has overseen the wholesale handing-over of the final remnants of our wealth to a bunch of useless, greedy, self-serving bastards? useless, greedy, self-serving bastards who'll kick bliar and his servile twats of a government in the teeth as soon as he stops being useful to them.
anthony lester : the british system isn't working.
Monday, August 02, 2004
in the interest of balance, steve gilliard: the enemy of the good.
more about rape and torture of iraqi children, this time from neil mackay at the sunday herald.
please tell me the people of the u.s. are not stupid / uncaring enough to vote again for the man who has ordered this illtreatment of children.