Tuesday, August 03, 2004

labour membership halved.


the bastards don't deserve anyone's support except that of the extremely rich, who have never had it better (gap between rich and poor growing fast under bliar).

i find it amusing that "senior party figures concerned at continuing slide in numbers as 25,000 leave in last six months", since this is exactly what one would predict for a party which has completely deserted its former constituency - the working people of the u.k. - not just working-class, but people like me in the lower-middle class.

since bliar became prime minister, the wealth of this country has slid inexorably, further and further into the hands of the already-rich. all he's done is continue the work of the vile thatcher, who described him, incredibly accurately, as her "spiritual successor".

why the fuck would any working person want to be a member of a party which has overseen the wholesale handing-over of the final remnants of our wealth to a bunch of useless, greedy, self-serving bastards? useless, greedy, self-serving bastards who'll kick bliar and his servile twats of a government in the teeth as soon as he stops being useful to them.


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