Thursday, February 26, 2004

now the fucking thieving israeli cunts are raiding arab banks in palestine and stealing the money.

if killing palestinians for fun isn't seen as a crime by the u.s. and the u.k., perhaps straightforward bank robbery will be and, maybe, bliar and bush will stop pandering to the jewish vote and will help the u.n. to do something about this country of bandits.

blindkuntt forced to back down on his anti-justice terrorist laws.

good for the cabinet that they gave him a good doing over for even suggesting such odious legislation.

the still-scary bit is that the fucking idiot was '"surprised by the ferocity" of the reaction he had provoked.'

shows just how out-of-touch the moron is, sitting there in his ivory tower, not having a clue about what motivates the rest of us in our opposition to his fascistic ways - the search for real justice.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

i called bliar a cunt, if memory serves, for wanting to drug test children.

here's someone who has experience of being drug tested at school and who says it leads to kids taking harder drugs.

nice one, bliar, you unreconstructed twat.

here are a couple of excellent articles by john brand:

    god, marriage and sex

    fig leaves and silkworms

you may think this one's a joke; it's not : color scheme for a new american century, gabriel ash.

outposts, fences, and work accidents: a primer on israeli doublespeak, rannie amiri.

Monday, February 23, 2004

guardian : blair calls for end to m.m.r. jab fears.

words of wisdom from the most honest man in u.k. politics will soon lay parents' reservations about the vaccine to rest.

the people who are objecting to bliar's comment that schools should use randon drug testing on children on the grounds that it would drive drug use underground are missing the point:

the point is that children are people with rights just the same as adults. to force them into random drug tests would be the grossest abuse of their rights and of their bodies.

the twat said that there would be no compunction on schools to use the powers. well, whoopee-do. what about compunction on the children, you fucking fascist?

the twat also said there should be no testing of under-16s without parental knowledge and support. note the use of should, a word which has no real meaning in law, rather than shall, which has a very clear legal meaning. should means that it'd be kind of nice if.... shall means that there is an absolute necessity, as the lawyer twat well knows; so he's already prepared his escape route on that one.

all of this and blindkuntt's 'anti-terrorist' (a.k.a. fascist) proposals are the biggest attack on civil liberties in this country ever (or at least since the norman conquest); and it's about time we all stood up against it, for there's nothing surer than that those who support these measures now will become their victims later.

and let's get something absolutely, totally and utterly clear, so no-one can make a mistake in the future:

anyone who ever attempts to drug test my child, at whatever age, will find themselves on the receiving end, not of a protest, but of the hardest kicking they've ever experienced and they'll be lucky if they can still walk or eat, ever, at the end of it. and i don't care if i go to prison for it, 'cos i'll do it again when i come out, and again, and again, and again.

no fucking inadequate little jobsworth, regardless of their gender, is ever, ever going to lay a hand on my child without my full permission.

acting without my full permission means they will suffer the full wrath of a father acting in defence of his child's safety - and many other fathers and mothers will act just the same as me.

all you sad little cunts who may want a job doing this testing had better take note that my more democratic, pacifistic and humanist beliefs go out of the window if my child is in danger of being touched by anyone without my and her full permission.

i've been banging on for long enough about blindkuntt's fascist policies. at last someone's writing in the main-stream press something substantial and hard-hitting about it. and the writer is a man with great knowledge of his subject, criminal law barrister john upton : an authoritarian state is in the process of construction.


mea culpa.

in writing this:

why is it that when some people gain some celebrity, they seem unable to stop themselves doing stupid things which are damaging to others? ralph nader made a name for himself in u.s. safety campaigns, for which he was rightly lauded, but now he thinks that his celebrity confers on him some reason to keep fucking about in the presidential elections over there.

he has no chance of becoming president. what he did in the last election, and what he will do in this next one, is take votes away from the democratic candidate.

he will ensure that the murderous cunt george w. bush is re-elected. proof, if it were needed, that nader, like many other pseudo-greens over the years, is really a right-winger who uses his somewhat green image to get himself publicity and acclaim and then, later, shows his true colour - deep, deep blue.

i was wrong.

mr nader has every right to stand if he wishes and my criticism of him was not justified. his policies are extremely anti-corporatist (and therefore close to my heart). there are many reasons why the u.s. would be a damned sight better off with someone like him as president than the likes of kerry or bush. i should have researched his beliefs more before criticising him.

if the u.s. has a grain of sense between its 300 million population, then he'll be its next president - although some corporation-paid cunt would probably assassinate him within a few days of him taking power.

Friday, February 20, 2004

in his article "bad for the poor and bad for science : genetically modified crops will not help the developing world", colin tudge makes much of the reasons why genetically modified crops are a waste of time, money and all other resources for the world's poor.

he fails to go into why the u.k. government appears to be ready to allow them to be grown in britain - that their corporate "sponsors" (read "owners") have paid "new" labour for the privilege of:

  • undermining the entire organic farming industry, for cross-breeding will remove the whole concept of "organic";

  • possibly endangering public health with unknown, long-term ill-effects of the use of these crops;

  • removing choice from all of us in what we eat - g.m. crops will cross-breed with "normal" crops and wil, eventually, if they are truly as disease-resistant as we are told, replace them for the "normal" crops will become unviable in the face of what can only be thought of as parasites - end of choice;

  • placing a patented organism into the wild, allowing it to replace "real" organisms, thus allowing the patent holders to charge a licence fee to all those who grow from them, even those unwittingly growing from "infected" seed.

all of this leads to one place: a world with no choice between organic, normal or g.m. foodstuffs, with no "real", "natural" food left, with massive corporations being allowed to charge through the nose for products which we don't want but can't avoid.

it fucking stinks.

bliar and all his cabinet members are absolute cunts. they must be removed from power as soon as possible. i suggest a massive campaign to drum up support for the greens at all costs, in order to rid ourselves of the money-grubbing, evil, lying, corrupt, corrupting bastards in downing street and its environs at the next general election.

intel wants to get rid of free t.v.

intel can kiss my arse. i don't use their processors in my p.c.s, i don't want their greedy, self-serving, capitalist views on broadcasting to become the norm. i hope all european govs will fight them tooth and nail, as they need to fight fat, greedy, ugly bastards like murdoch.

bush, the worst president in u.s. history, has apparently been nominated for a nobel peace prize.

the good thing is that, with the odd abberation like the gross, ugly and violent henry kissinger, the nobel prize judges tend to give the prizes to the deserving, not to murderous, stupid fascists like bush.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

here's democracy in action - the u.k. gov. knows we don't want g.m. crops here, but will allow them to be grown anyway.

a small contribution to party funds goes a looooooooooooong way when your country is run by a corrupt, lying bunch of bastards.

never mind. i'm sure some public-spirited persons will burn the crops down; again and again and again if necessary.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

ahmed bouzid : slouching towards hell.

here's the text of a letter i sent to and to forgive the inconsistency in not writing it in lower-case - i hope it'll be published:

Some time ago I sent an e-mail to Charles Kennedy MP, leader of Britain's Liberal Democratic party in protest at his refusal to support his party frontbench member Dr Jenny Tonge MP who had expressed an understanding of why some Palestinians have become suicide bombers.

While I cannot quote directly from my email, I can quote from Mr Kennedy's reply, in full:

"Dear Colleague

Thank you for your e-mail regarding Dr Jenny Tonge MP standing down as Liberal Democrat frontbench spokesperson for children. Please accept my apologies for the long delay in replying and also if you receive more than one copy of this message.

Jenny Tonge MP has long been vocal on the plight of the Palestinian people and I have consistently supported her work on international development. Asking her to step down as frontbench spokesperson on children's issues does not detract, in any way, from this position.

However, there can be no compromise on comments that justify, or give the appearance of justifying, the use of terrorism and suicide bombings which target and kill innocent people.

As the leader of a political party, I expect all my frontbench spokespeople to ensure that their comments reflect the principles and policies of the Liberal Democrats, especially when speaking on a public platform.

Jenny is entitled to express her opinions in a manner she sees fit and will, quite rightly, continue to express her views and represent her constituency as a values (sic) back-bench Liberal Democrat MP. Indeed, Jenny herself has welcomed the freedom she will have as a back-bencher to speak her mind.

The situation in the Middle East is complex. The Liberal Democrats believe in two fundamental principles, which need reasserting as often as possible if this conflict is to be resolved.

The first is that the State of Israel has a right to exist in peace and security within recognised and guaranteed boundaries. And the second is that the Palestinians are entitled to justice and a viable homeland. These concepts are to be found in UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and they survived through the Madrid conference, the Oslo Agreement and Camp David.

I am committed to this position and will continue to press for a resolution to the conflict that respects the rights and liberties of both groups.

The Liberal Democrats will not shrink from making strong criticisms of the policies followed by the Israeli Government, nor will we shrink from opposing the scourge of terrorism wherever it is found.

Thanks once again for writing and I hope this reply helps with your concerns.

Yours sincerely

The Rt Hon Charles Kennedy MP"

It all sounds immensely sensible and *nice*, but Mr Kennedy has completely forgotten something, vis his statement that "the State of Israel has a right to exist in peace and security within recognised and guaranteed boundaries". He does not, you notice, give Palestine the same support, he simply says "the second is that the Palestinians are entitled to justice and a viable homeland". This is not offering the same thing to Palestine. A "viable homeland" is not the same as "guaranteed boundaries". Just as "entitled to justice" is not the same thing as "a right to exist in peace and security".

His comment that "Liberal Democrats will not shrink from making strong criticisms of the policies followed by the Israeli Government" is probably true - most Liberal Democrats will criticise the Israelis - it's their leader who won't.

He completely ignores the fact that Israel started ethnic cleansing in 1948 and has continued it until the present. He ignores the fact that Israel is building a wall to separate Palestinians from their farm-land and water supplies. He ignores the fact that four times as many Palestinians die as Israelis through the actions of the Israeli "security" forces. He ignores the fact that Israel is in breach of many UN resolutions demanding that it return inside its "recognised and guaranteed" borders. He ignores the fact that Israeli soldiers drive their tanks over inhabited Palestinian homes, killing the occupants. He ignores the fact that Israeli soldiers deliberately target Palestinian children for murder. He ignores the fact that Israel is the aggressor in this case and is the invader of Palestine and that the Palestinians are fighting for their liberty, land, homes and childrens' lives.

That the leader of Britain's third political party, a party which was formed from two social democratic bodies, appears to be so openly pro-Israeli and apparently indifferent to Palestine's plight, gives me great reason to fear for a decent and liberal political discourse in the UK and for any hope of British politicians being of any assistance in bringing peace to the Palestinians and their release from Israeli oppression.

Anthony Berrow

the e-mail also included the e-mail addresses of many, many recipients, leaving us all open to a lovely little spam attack by any pro-israeli little cunts who get hold of a copy of it - nice one charlie boy.

the man who runs uzbekistan needs boiling to death himself - evil cunt.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

bliar probably wants bush to win the u.s. presidential election.

can you say "cunt"?

note that kettle describes bliar's governments as "mildly social democratic".

how damning is that for "new" labour? the party created by the trades unions to represent the needs and aspirations of working people?

of course, kettle is wrong. "new" labour is ragingly capitalist and throws us a few scraps of "social democratic" policy that won't hurt the rich but make some of us feel that they care.

how could a london-based fucking public-schoolboy barrister give a damn about the needs and aspirations of a man or woman working in an electronics factory in co durham? how could he give a fuck about their jobs disappearing to malaysia or india? how could he give a fuck about the fact that they have to work to the absolute maximum working week just to feed their kids? how could he give a fuck about the fact that they are in huge debt just to keep a roof over their kids' heads? how could he give a fuck that they can't afford their own house because his london-based, super-rich bastard cronies are buying every available house and pushing the prices into the strotosphere?

he can't give a fuck because he could never understand. he's led a privileged life. his kids lead privileged lives. his wife leads a privileged life. his pals all lead privileged lives. why should they care when they can have what they want, when they want it, and mostly at public expense.

it's time to get the useless fucker out of power, out of parliament and, preferably, out of work for a few years so that he truly understands the difficulties we all suffer at the hands of his corporate owners.

will disney corporation's power over my child's mind at last be diminished?

if george monbiot is right, then maybe.

fucking good thing, too.

Monday, February 16, 2004

sound familiar, mr blindkuntt? mark morford : bushco's fear-drunk world: what are you so afraid of?

i've never had much time for oprah winfrey and her kind of entertainment, believing that most people can work their way through their own problems without junk psycholigists pretending that they can be useful to them.

the complete waste of resources that one of her parties represents shows that she's far less than useful and is, like almost all the "self-help" shows' presenters, a greedy, corrupt and corruptible waste of air.

that she could pretend she gives a shit about the people she "helps" is given its lie by the complete arrogance, insincerity and decadence of her behaviour. she sees those people only as a means of getting her smug face on the telly and of raking in a fortune for being fucking useless.

line her up alongside kilroy, esther, springer and all the rest and the stink of greed would make you puke.

the cult of celebrity is showing our society to be becoming extremely decadent, disengaged from real issues and ready to suck up any crap handed out by these useless people - and be grateful to receive it.

why, oh, why are apparently intelligent people prepared to watch twats like the lot who were on "i'm a celebrity ... buy me a brain" and actually give a flying fuck what happened to the useless pieces of crap?

why care if jordan shows everyone her tits? why care if she gets shagged by peter andre?

what we should be caring about is that the selfish little slut wouldn't stop drinking and smoking when she was pregnant and her baby is blind - are those two things supposed to be unconnected - are young girls supposed to take her as a role model, behave like her and have blind, deaf, deformed babies because of it?

i fucking hope not.

to save me the inconvenience of being sued by useless air-headed twats, all of this is just opinion, so shove it up your lawyer's arse. besides, i own nothing and have no money, so suing me would result in you spending loads of money and getting nothing, not a penny, in return, so if you want to be out of pocket, sue away.

if you admire cuba, if you admire che guevara, if you love motorbikes, read 'my ride with che', about alberto granado's motorcycle trip through latin america with che. it's fucking wonderful.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

hywel williams : heirs of gwrtheyrn, we may still be proud to be welsh, but to travel across wales now is to see a country united in deep distress

dr jenny tonge's comments about having understanding for palestinian suicide bombers were deliberately and maliciously misinterpreted by the press. i commented upon their treatment of her at some length.

tummuz tabriz has a much more considered and calm defence of her than my own and a wider look at the way no-one appears willing to consider why suicide bmbers do what they do : the non-debate over suicide bombing.

Monday, February 09, 2004

a rare victory for the welsh assembly government against the capitalist mother-fuckers in london : wales blocks go-ahead for britain's first gm crop.

now all we need is for rhodri to keep those balls in his underpants and this could become a sensible place - but don't hold your breath.

blair unveiling fbi-style agency.

5,000 new coppers? where the fuck is the money supposed to come from when the forces do not have the money to pay their existing staff properly and so aren't recruiting the full complement?

if each copper only costs £50,000 per year (£25,000 + overheads), that's an extra £125,000,000. many of them will cost a great deal more, so how are we supposed to afford it.

bliar is getting like bush - spend, spend, spend with no idea where the fucking money's supposed to come from - just make doubly sure your really rich friends don't have to pay any tax - leave that to us poor bastards.

blix says war leaders acted like salesmen.

does one have to make any further comment on war on terrorTM?

Friday, February 06, 2004

i rarely agree with polly toynbee - she seems to think anthony charles lynton bliar is some sort of socialist, for a start - but here's an article where i can at least agree with some of what she says : revenge or victory, in which she says bliar is irredeemably damaged by his conduct before, during and after the iraqi war.

all i can say is, 'good. get the child-killing bastard out of office now, rather than force us all to waste more time seeing his smirking visage on the telly and in the papers and listening to his silly, crowing tones'.

hoon lies again : hoon dismisses 45-minute claim as insignificant.

it was far from fucking insignificant: it provided the basis for his, bliar's and the straw man's rush into war - britain was supposed to be under threat from strategic weapons that could be made ready in 45 minutes, bliar and hoon said, that was why iraq was supposed to be such a threat, they said.

now it's insignificant.

why'd we go to war then, hoon, you lying cunt?

Thursday, February 05, 2004

sidney blumenthal, the guardian : how bush, bliar, powell, straw, cheney, hoon, rumsfeld et al lied about iraq's weapons so that they could have their disgusting war.

they should all be impeached and, ideally, imprisoned for war crimes.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

blindkuntt should be hanging his head in shame. his revolting plans for trial by judge, secret evidence etc are absolutely disgusting. gareth pierce in the guardian explains all the problems with blindkuntt's proposals : this covert experiment in injustice.

when will the people of this country rise up and sweep blindkuntt, bliar, the straw man, brown-noser and the rest of the bunch of capitalist-arse-licking monsters from power?

when will the old labour back-benchers rise up in revolt against this group of treacherous, manipulative bastards?

when will we have a government in this country that even begins to represent those who they seek to have vote for them?

answer to all questions : never - because this country's political parties are all run by corporations who buy the politicians before they even get into the house of commons.

itv has apologised because john lydon swore on air.

what a bunch of lying jerks.

lydon and the other sex pistols got famous by saying "fuck" on another, equally sad little tv show. that's why itv want him on their programme - so that there's a little hint of "danger" around the place.

they convince nobody when they apologise. his swearing is exactly why they wanted him there in the first place.

"peter hain says he has seen proof of saddam hussein's weapons of mass destruction."

well, peter my lad, if that's the case, show that "proof" to the rest of us and maybe we'll start to consider that there may have been reason to start thinking about going to war.

until you show it to the british people, i and many others will continue to accuse you, bliar, straw, campbell etc of lying in order to start a war against iraq for the sole purpose of pleasing george w bush.

i know it's galling to have to admit that you are just a lap-dog of a moron like bush, but it really would be better for your karma if you did so.

well, now we know exactly how brave anthony charles lynton bliar is: not at all.

the craven little coward has set up an inquiry into the iraq war in which no politicians' actions will be examined.

so, though most of us believe him and his cabinet lackeys are culpable in the rush into an unnecessary war, they will have to answer to nobody.

can you say 'another whitewash' - jonathan freedland in the guardian comes mighty close to saying it.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

"new" labour's policies for the next government are just more of the same only shabbier.

it's time the bunch of public schoolboys running this country were replaced by some people who give a fuck about helping someone other than the rich. the old labour party has those people - it needs to take back the party and get rid of bliar and the rest of the sorry cunts now in the cabinet.

blindkuntt's at it again.

just as bliar has been forced to admit that the "intelligence" used to justify the iraq war was a worthless pile of manure, blindkuntt reveals a shit-pile of legislation intended to allow imprisonment without trial, based on "intelligence" alone and without right to appeal.

the man's a fucking fascist who's been given a free ride for years just 'cos he's blind.

well, being disabled doesn't stop you being a threat to humanity, so this man has to go, now.

shami chakrabarti has a good article about the menace posed by this evil man at the guardian.

more in the guardian about this : leader, lawyers attack blunkett plan for secret trials, even the fucking tories are against him and they're not exactly renowned for their democratic ideals.

more on the charming lord hutton, diplock judge and obvious believer in the tenet that "if the police claim guilt - the defendant's definitely not innocent": my report on lord hutton by danny morrison.

i am sick to the back teeth of people trying to support israel's disgusting "security" fence. its sole purpose is to help israel in its land-grab in palestine. loads of writers are trying to pretend that it is there to defend israel.

here's an example from the guardian: silvan shalom, a fence built for peace.

the first lie is in the title; the fence is built to cut the palestinians off from their water supplies and their farms, not to protect israelis - israelis have been the agressors throughout.

shalom continues in the same vein, accusing the u.n. of bringing the international court of justice into disrepute because it has asked for legal opinion on the fence. how does asking for an opinion bring the i.c.j. into disrepute?

he then bangs on about the number of israelis killed. one israeli killed in one too many, but the number of palestinians killed by israeli forces runs at four times the number of israelis killed - so who really needs defending, silvan, my lad?

there's loads of crap about the u.s.' "road-map" for peace which is, after all, just a u.s.-sponsored route to israel owning all the decent farm land in palestine and the palestinian people being left to starve or die of thirst in the refugee camps.

so fuck off, silvan shalom. stop defending the indefencible. stop your government killing palestinians. stop it stealing their land. stop it trying to run the entire middle east.

then you'll have peace and freedom. you won't achieve it with your fascistic "security" fence.

the b.b.c.'s new d.g. shows his true, "new" labour, colours by dropping an episode of "absolute power" because it would be "unbroadcastable in the current climate".

bliar doesn't need to fuck with the b.b.c.'s charter to get his way, obviously; he just needs to ensure that he has plenty of huttons and byfords around to do the job for him with their craven, anti-b.b.c. actions.

Monday, February 02, 2004

sharon orders relocation of gaza settlements.

i don't believe it for a second.

the only thing sharon wants in gaza is more israelis. the only thing sharon wants for palestinians is death.

the man has some reason to tell this lie. when the reason is found, his real intention will be revealed.

since he's as thick as shit, it won't take too long for the lie to be uncovered and his real intention to become apparent.

david clark, the guardian : a half-truth may not be a lie, but it is still dishonest.