Monday, February 23, 2004

the people who are objecting to bliar's comment that schools should use randon drug testing on children on the grounds that it would drive drug use underground are missing the point:

the point is that children are people with rights just the same as adults. to force them into random drug tests would be the grossest abuse of their rights and of their bodies.

the twat said that there would be no compunction on schools to use the powers. well, whoopee-do. what about compunction on the children, you fucking fascist?

the twat also said there should be no testing of under-16s without parental knowledge and support. note the use of should, a word which has no real meaning in law, rather than shall, which has a very clear legal meaning. should means that it'd be kind of nice if.... shall means that there is an absolute necessity, as the lawyer twat well knows; so he's already prepared his escape route on that one.

all of this and blindkuntt's 'anti-terrorist' (a.k.a. fascist) proposals are the biggest attack on civil liberties in this country ever (or at least since the norman conquest); and it's about time we all stood up against it, for there's nothing surer than that those who support these measures now will become their victims later.

and let's get something absolutely, totally and utterly clear, so no-one can make a mistake in the future:

anyone who ever attempts to drug test my child, at whatever age, will find themselves on the receiving end, not of a protest, but of the hardest kicking they've ever experienced and they'll be lucky if they can still walk or eat, ever, at the end of it. and i don't care if i go to prison for it, 'cos i'll do it again when i come out, and again, and again, and again.

no fucking inadequate little jobsworth, regardless of their gender, is ever, ever going to lay a hand on my child without my full permission.

acting without my full permission means they will suffer the full wrath of a father acting in defence of his child's safety - and many other fathers and mothers will act just the same as me.

all you sad little cunts who may want a job doing this testing had better take note that my more democratic, pacifistic and humanist beliefs go out of the window if my child is in danger of being touched by anyone without my and her full permission.


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