melancholic in mid glamorgan
anthony berrow's rantings from the west side of offa's dyke
the evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people - frank kentWednesday, December 24, 2003
a subject on which i can agree with polly toynbee : fat cats' pay is the result of greed, not competition.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
kurt nimmo's bush gets serious about killing iraqis is fucking terrifying.
british service-people are involved in this shit. they will be targetted more and more by iraqi insurgents. deaths and serious, permant injuries, among them will increase.
these are british service-people who should never have been sent to iraq to help bush and bliar run their wholly illegal, wholly immoral, anti-muslim and pro-cheap-oil-for-the-u.s. war.
i am ashamed for my country. i am ashamed of my government and of any of my fellow britons who continue to support this vile activity in the teeth of the evidence of its illegality, cruelty and immorality. the reasons for war were all lies. we continue to be told lies by the bush-bliar axis of evil.
the entire planet is descending into fascism, racism, hatred and war.
so that bush's oil-wealthy pals can get their hands on even more of the money that the rest of us so desparately need to feed our children, that's why.
stop the world, i want to get off. a.s.a.p.
the absolutely corruptible and absolutely corrupt bastards running the u.s. are doing anything possible to enrich their pals at the expense of everyone else on earth.
the american people must remove them from office before they create complete havoc in every country on the planet.
Monday, December 22, 2003
nice to see that there's a principled man in british public life whose principles are not of the "do whatever is needed to give me more money and power" variety - archbish has a go at detention without trial and the rest of the "war on terror" bull-shit we're fed every day by the bush-bliar axis of evil.
i've been banging on about these israeli bastards and the appalling effect they have on peace in the middle east for ages. now, eventually, the mainstream press are staring to talk about israel's weapons of mass destruction.
perhaps, if enough of them talk about it, the u.n. (or maybe cowboy bush and bumboy bliar, in another coalition of the wanking) will be forced to do something about the murderous bastards - at last.
Friday, December 19, 2003
jackson thoreau: capture of saddam is just more staged political propaganda.
ernest partridge: we got saddam! - so what?.
alan bisbort: bush fatigue.
william pfaff: saddam's capture bodes ill for bush's re-election.
richard w. stevenson: remember 'weapons of mass destruction'? for bush, they are a nonissue.
cbs news: 'they simply failed' - commission head kean says 9/11 attack was preventable.
gary leupp: the neocons' dream memo.
sharon threatens palestinians with his own final solution.
the fat little cunt learned something from the jewish peoples' nemesis, then.
this man has to be stopped. jews throughout the world must rise up and remove him and his zionist bastard supporters from power in israel (they are all considered as israeli citizens), otherwise they will be marked forever as being as bad as the nazis who persecuted them.
i would never, ever support the killing of another human under any circumstance, but i'd definitely not shed a tear if someone put a bullet through the evil cunt's bloated body.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
how u.s foreign policy has been responsible for genocide, starvation, death squads, assassinations - you name it, the fuckin' 'mercuns caused it.
memo to bliar : give my country back to my people and get the fuckin' 'mercuns out of our military, businesses and lives.
u.s. scum used tortue to make their informer tell them where saddam was hiding.
i am so terribly ashamed that my government has allied my country with these bestial morons.
"the privy council review committee said"powers to lock people away indefinitely with no habeus corpus "should be revoked and replaced with laws that do not require the uk - uniquely in europe - to derogate from the e.c.h.r" - scrap anti-terror laws, say m.p.s and peers.
hear, fucking, hear.
and while you're at it, lock up the bastard who uses them for a while so he knows how it feels, the fascist blind cunt.
however, they haven't said no-one should be locked up under these circumstances, just that there should be a means of finding out, eventually, whether they should be charged or released - but they still don't talk about fundamental rights of habeus corpus and access to lawyers - they're nearly as bad as the blind twat.
thisis racist law - british subjects are treated differently to citizens of other countries.
now, while i think of it, why am i a fucking subject?
i want to be a fucking citizen, not the subject of some fucking feudal old trout living in london - she's not even british, for fuck's sake - she's a bloody german.
how's about this one: israelis detain a serioulsy ill palestinian woman and leave her kids without a carer. also, they have a 'shoot to kill' policy towards palestinian kids?
evil, murderous bastards. i hope they all rot in their hell for eternity.
having once visited the u.s.a. (ft. lauderdale, florida, to be precise) and not having enjoyed the experience, i was not intending to go there again.
now that i find that my own government will hand over my personal data to u.s. officials, i will certainly not be travelling there again.
why did i not enjoy my visit?
- the food, with few exceptions, was appalling;
- the shops were abysmal - there is so little real choice as everything is 'selected' by huge retail chains;
- the beer is crap - i'd prefer to drink the water from my fish-pond;
- the police are always armed. i stopped one to ask her directions - she kept her hand on her gun (in its holster) all the time we were talking. i was scared silly that the slightest 'wrong' move by me might frighten her into drawing it;
- the bars were full of boorish rednecks;
- the houses look like they're made of cardboard and are painted the most painful pastel shades.
why will i never visit again?
- george w bush is president.
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
ian huntley has a string of past allegations about his sexual behaviour with minors.
checks instituted by the school at which he was employed failed to reveal these. had they been madew known to the school, he would no thave been employed there and holly wells and jessica chapman might still be alive.
the inadequacy of the police system is staggering.
rather than wasting our time and money turning this country into a fascist state with his fucking stupid i.d. card scheme, blindkuntt should be making better use of the vast amounts of our tax money at his disposal and making sure that this does not happen again.
he must get our criminal records and finger-print data back from the useless, money-grubbing u.s. companies that hold it now, get it back into the hands of british police forces and let the excellent staff there continue the fine work they used to do before thatcher's corporatist bastards took the work overseas.
i wonder whether blindkuntt has the balls to do anything about a bunch of fascists who are compiling lists of anti-fascists they want to physically attack.
since blindkuntt has shown himself to be utterly gutless on anything but the softest of targets, i doubt that he has the stomach for this one, as the fascistic bastards will scream about loss of free speech etc.
he must show that he will protect free speech but that he will not protect conspiracy to assault anyone.
once again, the cunty little bush shows just why he should not be allowed to run a newspaper stand, let alone the most militarily powerful country in the world : his insistence that saddam should be executed shows his complete lack of human diginty.
judicial killing makes one as bad as the non-judicial killer - worse, even.
the judicial killer has the opportunity to show compassion and forgiveness (both christian ideals which bush claims to embrace) and decides not to.
bush, the twatish little arse-hole, had plenty of opportunities to display both those qualities when he was governor of texas - he never did, the murderous little bastard.
bush should also be being put on trial for war crimes : his invasion of iraq was totally illegal and has led to the deaths of thousands of iraqi civilians and tens of thousands of iraqi conscripts, its sole purpose is to secure an oil supply for the ever-more greedy u.s.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
internet to become tool of government and corporations.
you better believe it - and fight it tooth and nail.
more filth from iraq : bush pays back baker for 'winning' the election for him.
livingstone: labour wants me back.
well, it would. he's become as fucking capitalist as bliar and the rest of the shower of shits who run this country.
he said he's 'moved the government's agenda forward during his term as london mayor "more spectacularly" than anywhere else in the country'. spectacular, indeed.
let's review some of the things he's really into these days:
- he introduced 'congestion-charging' in london, a means of taxing us for the use of something for which we have already paid our taxes - roads;
- he has abused the office of mayor about as much as any "new" labourite anywhere in the country - installing his cronies to every post, ignoring democratic principles, doing everything possible to increase party influence and reduce democratic involvement for london's voters;
- he supports p.f.i.s which leave the public owning nothing despite stumping up millions of pounds on schemes to build new schools, hospitals etc;
- he wants to use london's 'congestion-charging' cameras for surveillance of the publics' movement;
- he will, at the drop of a hat, switch off the public access to cameras around london, in order that we can't see, for example, the true size of anti-government demonstrations.
if these are the actions of a true democrat, i'm a mallard drake - see my pretty green neck and curly tail feathers - so he's well-suited to membership of "new" labour, the party of capital and greed.
i wonder if he'll eventually be rewarded with a seat on the board of the filthy, stinking, arms-dealing carlyle group, as our dear
privately-owned prison has racism problem.
well, what a surprise that a company whose only care is its bottom line should be doing nothing to root out racism. perhaps we should be grateful the poor men in there are being fed.
this is, i believe, a prison with a worse suicide record than most. who's trying to do something about that, exactly?
nobody who's in bliar's government, that's for sure, because they have to be careful not to cost their corporate
bliar becomes more right wing, more fascistic with every single day that passes.
he's now said he doesn't care if saddam is executed, despite "new" labour's opposition to the death penalty.
he also said that the iraqi people should decide the penalty after a trial of saddam in iraq.
note the presumption of guilt. note the condescending attitude towards the iraqis. note the lack of humanity. note the lack of compassion.
saddam may well be a murderer, stock-piler of "weapons of mass destruction", etc but to stoop to his supposed level by executing him would make us no better.
not in my name, bliar, you twat.
oh, and while i'm at it, stop trying to be trendy with the "tony", you cunt. your given name is anthony - use it.
Monday, December 15, 2003
poor roads 'cost hundreds of lives'.
too fucking right.
but that won't stop bliar and blunkett pretending it's 'cos we're all speed demons who need to have out speeds curbed by their stupid, totally ineffective 'safety' cameras.
bush's and bliar's crowing about the capture of saddam is just more hot air. it changes nothing in iraq, as sharif hikmat nashashibi explains in an excellent article at yellowtimes.
Friday, December 12, 2003
bush, the wanker, is now asking countries he's said cannot have a hand in rebuilding iraq, for help in iraq by cancelling its debt.
i hope france, germany, russian etc will tell this tosser to go sit on it.
wake up, america, your president cares not a fuck about the casualties of the war in iraq.
maher arar's account of his treatment in syria after being deported from the u.s. as a 'terrorist suspect' not to his home in canada but to syria, is really terrifying.
more racism by the u.s.
loads of vile brutality by syria.
a complete 'intelligence' failure in the u.s. (although 'intelligence' is definitely a misnomer for what these fuck-wits have).
a complete lack of care about human rights and due process in syria.
don't be complacent.
this could happen to anyone.
we're all in danger.
three things which say all that's needed about u.s. society:
- an arab-american waiter was excluded from a presidential fund-raising dinner;
- texas alone has executed 313 people since 1974, using horrenously cruel means - electric chair, lethal gas, lethal injection, and has 452 on death row;
- information about the 9/11 plotters has been with-held from trials in germany and the u.s. because it exonerates the accused.
so, what do we have?
- rampant racism;
- cruel punishments of prisoners;
- the with-holding of vital evidence in criminal trials.
what a fucking shit-hole.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
catherine bennett, the guardian, on jowell's non-christmassy christmas cards:
'if jowell cannot permit herself to, as newsome put it, "go down the christmas route" in her cards, it is quite anomalous for the education secretary to continue to emulate the dark ages by endorsing state persecution of the non-religious, and further, by funding creationist schools whose teacher-missionaries lie to children about the origins of life.'
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
more horrible, zionist racism from the vile sharon and the scum in the israeli parliament.
"communities may be moved to improve our security situation," he said.
what he means is that the evil israeli land-grab will be stepped-up, more rather than the promised fewer israeli settlements will exist in palestine and more palestinian ghettoes will be created.
this man and his followers are the worst kind of genocidal bastards. they must be removed from power.
if israeli people have an iota of decency left in them, they will elect a non-zionist party to power at their next elections, while demanding that the vile "security" fence is demolished, that all israeli settlements are demolished and that the palestinians are given back all the land that has been stolen from them.
some financial recompense as a way of saying "sorry" would be nice, too, but probably a bit to much to ask.
oddly, "new" labour have decided not to include my story (see thursday, december 4) on their sad "big conversation" web site.
now, why might that be?
peter hain becomes more of a cunt then ever before.
now he's suggested that congestion on the m4 motorway can be reduced by tolls.
small question, peter:
where the fuck are all the vehicles supposed to go when they're priced off the motorway?
i hope they'll all be driving past your constituents' houses, so that they are reminded each day of your complete idiocy and all vote for someone else at the next election, you stupid twat.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
conspiratorial reading: how bush can still win.
just what bliar and his bastard, lying, deceitful spin-doctors are attempting to achieve here in the u.k., really.
Friday, December 05, 2003
peter hain thinks exporting jobs to india is good for the welsh economy.
apparently, a lot of welsh people disagree with the lying, deceitful, egocentric little twat.
might i suggest that those who give a fuck about this situation stop voting for the likes of hain and his co-conspirators in "new" labour, stop using the services of any company which has moved a call-centre or factory to a foreign country.
examples of a few companies that come to mind are (not all in wales, but all in u.k.):
norwich union
i have my motorbike insurance with n.u. but will not renew with them when its due - regardless of how low their premium may be.
i'll be writing a letter to their board explaining my reasons. everyone else needs to do this too.
now, here's a really fucking good explanation of what's wrong with the american people - stockholm syndrome.
don't remember reading anything by ben tripp before, but it may well be worth doing a little research to find some more of his stuff.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
had a bit of a laugh this morning filling in a few forms at "new" labour's big conversation site.
i filled in a form asking my views of government policy, so i told 'em a few things that worry me - cost of housing, "terror threat" being used as an excuse to remove human rights etc.
screamed laughing at the sychophantic crap at the your stories section. carefully chosen this stuff - barely a word of criticism. what criticism there is consists of "could we just be asked a tiny bit more often what we want" crap.
i also filled in my own story, but i shouldn't think it'll get posted on the site, 'cos it's a bit vitriolic for them. so, in case they don't publish it, here it is in its entirety:
I am, frankly, disgusted with "new" Labour and everything it stands for.
I used to vote Labour because I am a socialist. Never more. To vote for "new" Labour is to vote for a party which is more capitalist than the Tories and adds a new, more frightening element to the concept of illiberality.
Everywhere I see the threat of terrorism used as an excuse to remove human rights, to mistreat immigrants, asylum seekers and visitors to our country, and to increase the already frightening level of surveillance of us all.
I see a Prime Minister who lies to Parliament in order to drag us into a war, on the side of the most corrupt, bullying and fascistic government the US has ever seen and against a regime who, until recently, was one of the UK's and the US' favoured trading partners. What changed? Iraq had "WMD" because it was sold them by the UK and the US. But all that weaponry was destroyed by Iraq or by the UN inspectors long before this war started, as Blair well knew when he started this illegal and immoral invasion.
I also see a government whose every action is paid for by its corporate donors and which, at best, pays lip-service to its obligations to the constituents of its MPs.
This "Big Conversation" is a charade. No-one in Blair's cabinet gives a damn what any of us say because their every policy is driven by their corporate sponsors requirements. So don't waste your time trying to suggest ways they might change policy because they can't do so without risking the wrath of their owners.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
anti-zionism is not anti-semitism.
quite true, and i find the gall of those who equate the two to be quite breath-taking.
as i've probably made my reader aware, i am no fan of university tuition fees, since i believe them to be devisive and favourable to the middle- and upper-classes.
if they are to exist, though, the gov's stupid idea of variable fees will make the situation worse rather than better.
peter bradley has a much better idea.
american troops are demolishing houses in iraq.
obviously they've learned a trick or two from the racist bastards in the israeli army. cunts.
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
new bill proposes strengthening domestic violence laws.
sounds like a good idea until one considers a few side-effects:
let's pretend i'm a divorced father with a young child.
let's pretend my ex-wife hates my guts because i dared to leave her.
let's pretend my ex-wife would like nothing better than to stop me seeing my child.
let's pretend my ex-wife makes up a story about me whacking her in the face.
let's pretend the police believe her and prosecute me.
let's pretend i'm acquitted because there's no evidence against me.
let's pretend the bitch then gets an order preventing me coming near her - thus preventing me seeing my child.
fuck off.