Wednesday, December 10, 2003

more horrible, zionist racism from the vile sharon and the scum in the israeli parliament.

"communities may be moved to improve our security situation," he said.

what he means is that the evil israeli land-grab will be stepped-up, more rather than the promised fewer israeli settlements will exist in palestine and more palestinian ghettoes will be created.

this man and his followers are the worst kind of genocidal bastards. they must be removed from power.

if israeli people have an iota of decency left in them, they will elect a non-zionist party to power at their next elections, while demanding that the vile "security" fence is demolished, that all israeli settlements are demolished and that the palestinians are given back all the land that has been stolen from them.

some financial recompense as a way of saying "sorry" would be nice, too, but probably a bit to much to ask.


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