Thursday, October 30, 2003

i note that bliar has found another new way to give "new" labour's contributors another lump of public money : city to help schools balance their books.

first, make schools do their own accounting to make them "more independent".

second, make sure the people doing the accounting are under-trained and under-resourced.

third, get your pals in the city to "assist".

fourth, stand by and watch as your mates milk those schools' budgets at huge cost to those schools and to our childrens' education.


no right to trial for 10 terror suspects.

what the fuck is happening to my country?

these men may or may not be terrorists, but holding them without trial is the most appalling breach of their human rights and shows exactly how fascist bliar and his band of merry cunts have made this country.

george galloway on bliar, his lies, his murders and his capitalism.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

at last, some people who agree with me that the jews should not be allowed to abuse everyone else in the middle-east, and will say so.

novelty farting dog sparks us terror alert.

what the fuck is going on in this country?

the police are becoming ever more fascist while spouting liberal-sounding crap about community policing, the importance of a good relationship between the police and the public etc etc etc ad nauseum.

at the same time, they suggest an fbi-style force for the uk.

what, exactly, makes it ok to waste my hard-earned pay on even more police who'll do an even fucking worse job than the current ones because they'll all sit in their offices drinking coffe and eating doughnuts at my expense, and who'll then come and arrest me because one of their automated systems tells them that i called them a bunch of lazy cunts who aren't worth the air they breathe?

andrew wilkie, an oxford professor, refused to accept an israeli student because he / she had served in the israeli army.

wilkie is to be suspended without pay for two months.

he should have been given a medal for standing up to the most brutal army in the whole fucking world.

these are people who target palestinian children. who reduce palestinian refugee camps to rubble, killing people and making others homeless as they go. these are people who are committing genocide.

to the authorities who suspended wilkie, i say this: "you are spineless bastards who should have supported your employee in his protest against the zionist cunts."

to andrew wilkie, i say this: "you have my complete support (though you neither need nor seek it) and i will be writing to your employers to express my support for you."


a bunch of students at oxford are whining that his suspension does not go far enough to "combat discrimination".

begs the question whether the little runts have the slightest idea what the racist bastard israelis are doing in palestine or whether those who are complaining are themselves racist zionist cunts.

Monday, October 27, 2003

the fucking bastard lying murdering cunts in the israeli army are taking part in genocide, exemplified by their latest attacks on rafah.

the israelis have to be stopped. they will not stop of their own volition until there is not a single palestinian alive, until they have forced their own cruel, murderous, war-moingering, blinkered views on the entire middle east.

the saudis, lebanese, iranians, jordanians etc should be looking at the writing which is very clearly on the wall: the murderous bastards running israel want to kill all islamics.

i hate the idea of war, but those islamics must use force now to prevent isreal destroying the middle east and turning it, with the help of the horrible bastards running the u.s., into a jewish homeland whose only care is for the lives and well-being of jews or of christans who support their evil war-mongering.

the plan must be to allow / help israel to destroy all the islamic states (else, why give them rockets capable of delivering nuclear weapons?) and give the u.s. all the middle-eastern oil that that greedy bunch of bastards want.

to make life easier for themselves while carrying out their genocide, the fucking israelis are forcing palestinians who live near its "security" fence to obtain permits to live in their own homes on palestinian land.

when, oh when, will the rest of the world wake up to the fact that the jews running israel are as bad as hitler and his supporters - while constantly whinging about and expecting sympathy for the holocaust and trying to use it as justification for their own genocidal acts - and remove the bastards from power, by force, and hang the bastards in public as a warning to all other war-mongers and genocides about what they should expect?

some good info on what to do about bush & his poisonous bastard handlers / supporters.

works well for the bastard bliar and his lying, war-mongering, child-killing supporters, too.

some of it sounds madly religious, but it's actually a sort of buddhist, karmic religion that the writer is encouraging, rather than the passive, pathetic christian / judean nonsense.

whatever, fight against the capitalist take-over of the labour party and the uk. fight for freedom, democracy and truth. you have nothing to lose but your shackles.

Friday, October 24, 2003

more about bush's fascist grandfather's dealings with the nazis at the daily weasel.

wish everyone'd get the idea that the bushes are a family of nazis and put the fuckers and their supporters in prison forever.

another nail in the coffin of the labour party as it expels an m.p. for speaking his mind and for daring to suggest that bliar is the lying little cunt that he really is.

anyone who is a socialist and now continues to support "new" labour is an idiot and, worse, a self-deceiving idiot, for "new" labour are no more socialist than the fucking tories whose policies they implement.

bliar and his cuntish cabinet are capitalist lackeys who will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes :))

Thursday, October 23, 2003

better things to do, surely. can't agree more.

but then, with violent crime increasing at scary rates, the police clearly have to nip it in the bud, and if that means prosecuting kids for squirting people with water pistols or busting ever-increasing numbers of us for speeding, the the police have obvioulsy got their priorities right.

cool. wales' first schools pfi project bites the dust.

"lewis school head teacher dr chris howard also sought to calm parents' concerns.

'the school is operating quite normally,' he said. 'there is no threat anticipated to the education we provide to pupils and parents can be reassured of that.'"

i wonder if he'll still be saying that when the toilet-paper runs out, when there are no exercise books available, when no new text books are being bought and when the meals have deteriorated below the already appalling standards in britain's schools.

rall has a cool article about nat heatwole, the student who on at least six occasions breached airline security, just to prove that it could be done easily and consistently. the kid's more than alright, ted.

britain is becoming as bad as the u.s. in terms of trading human rights for non-existent security. thefts at heathrow reman as high as ever. if it's easy to get stolen goods out of there, it's easy to get weapons in - same staff doing the security checks.

it's time we gave our fascist politicians a fucking good poke in the eye and told them that we're safe enough as we are and that we don't need their constant interference in our lives.

the u.s. has helped make israeli missiles nuclear-capable.

that anyone would give the war-mongering, murdering bastard sharon ever more powerful weapons appalls me.

this most evil of men is in charge of a country which is operating the largest land-grab in the middle east's history, he is almost certainly a psychopath, he will use his nuclear missiles at some time without a thought to the consequences, always looking for the short-term political advantage, and the twat bush and his moronic handlers assist this most barbaric of men.

israel, the holy land? no. israel, satan's country, backed by the u.s., satan's pay-master.

Monday, October 20, 2003

tony bliar in heart scare: "tony bliar was rushed to Hammersmith hospital in west London yesterday for emergency treatment after he complained of chest pains and an irregular heart beat. "

unfortunately for the british people and innocent arabs everywhere, the lying, corrupt bastard's not ill enough to have to stand down.


Friday, October 17, 2003

given that british telecom (bt) own all the telephone exchanges in the uk, should they not be under a statutory obligation to bring them all up to broadband standard?  these greedy bastards have a monopoly on telecomms in britain - all other operators having to rent equipment, lines or rack-space from them, so they should have an obligation to service those operators properly.

bt now have a list of over 400 exchanges which they'll never upgrade, regardless of consumer requirements, because it'll cost them too much.

touch shit on bt and its shareholders. they want the profits that come with their monopoly, they should be made to spend the money to achieve it or, better, their monopoly should be removed, brutally and quickly.

i hate all religionists, but believe we have to tolerate their existence because i believe in freedom of speech.

however, the pope's deceiving bastards of priests who lie about the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of aids, thereby creating huge suffering all over the world, but especially africa, i firmly believe should all be taken outside and burned at the stake.

since all priests have mind-sets which make them totally intolerant of any opposition to their dogma, resulting in all of them being only moments away from burning a heretic or witch, i'm sure they'll understand others' need to burn them.

polly toynbee makes a similar point in the guardian.

hsbc is closing a welsh call centre and opening new ones in india, malaysia and china. 1300 welsh people will lose their jobs.


all their british customers should close their accounts forthwith and nobody open another until they reverse this decision - which will take a matter of hours to happen when people start going into branches and demanding all their money in cash - as long as they make it clear why they're closing the account.

let any little cunt tell me that the racist israeli bastards are doing anything in palestine for their own security and i'll smack the bastard 'round the head so hard his/her ears will ring for a month.

they are operating the biggest land-grab the region's ever seen.

they treat the palestinians like shit, they prevent free movement within palestine, they prevent access to medical care, they deliberately shoot palestinian children, they demolish palestinian homes without a care for the resulting homelessness.

they are committing genocide while europe and the u.s. stand by and ignore it, no, encourage it. and all the while they ask the rest of the world to be nice to them 'cos of their suffering in the holocaust - while creating a holocaust for the palestinians.

i am boycotting all israeli and u.s. goods until some major changes happen in palestine. governments understand nothing until their money supply starts drying up, so that's the weapon we must use against them - at least it's nicer than killing their children and demolishing their homes.

i recommend this course of action to all caring people on the planet.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

stinking, lying, stupid men who think we're all dumb enough to forget

given that everybody on the planet, including the leader of the group accused of this attack on u.s. diplomatic staff, has said that the attack is a disaster for palestinians, there is only one group of people who could possibly have been behind it - the israelis.

Monday, October 13, 2003

ken livingbonehead and crapita get a sound kicking about london's 'congestion'* charging system.


given that 'blue' ken won't tell the london assembly anything about the contract he's signed on their behalf with crapita, what are the odds that at some time in the not-too-distant future, there's a huge scandal about someone in a very senior position having taken some bribes from some software contractor somewhere in this whole stinking, corrupt shit-heap?

* road usage tax

strawman kicks blindkunt in the bollocks.


strawman's no fucking liberal, so i have no time for the little cunt, but i love it when blindkunt (our most dangerous home secretary, according to the late, great hugo young) gets a good mauling.

Friday, October 10, 2003

since when did it become normal for crap software developers to sue users who expose the shit they've produced?

a shabby little company called sunncomm have produced some trashy anti-cd-copying software which can be overcome by the simple action of holding down the shift key while the cd is read by the drive - stoppong the autorun function from working, thus preventing their grubby little program being installed from the cd.

if their anti-copying software can be stopped by such an action, they deserve to be sued by any company which has bought their useless software, as they have produced something which is far from secure and will not install on many, many windows machines as the users have disabled the autorun feature anyway.

sunncomm is threatening to sue a guy who exposed their trash for what it is. they should be thoroughly ashamed of themsleves, should have to pay this poor man damages for trying to ruin his reputation and should be stopped from using crap legislation (the u.s. d.c.m.a) to try to gag people who call them on the uselessness of their product.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

it's time we in the u.k. had a good fucking go at the ultra-rich before they do to us what they've done to the american people, with their 'dead peasants insurance', their lies about stock trading which lead low-paid suckers to buy stocks which will collapse, but only after the lying bastards who own most of them have sold out because they're all insider-dealing.

michael moore has the grusesome facts here - and gruesome they truly are.

Monday, October 06, 2003

oh, i love terry jones' writing. see this superb attack on the bastard bliar and his spurious reasons for killing innocent iraqis.

Friday, October 03, 2003

gm crops destroy wildlife.

ban the fucking disgusting things now.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

gm crops are dangerous crap and should not be grown, government-funded study says.

since that nice mr bliar apparently doesn't have a reverse gear, expect him to ignore this report, 'cos he knows better than all the food scientists on earth about what's good for his corporate pay-masters the country and wouldn't dream of pissing our tax money up the wall or of risking monsanto's wrath our lives or our grandchilrens' futures.

cheney and his enron pals plotted war in iraq to line their pockets.

i don't normally advocate judicial homicide, but this is a case where i'd definitely make an exception - starting a war to make yourself money is clearly premeditated mass murder.

bush, bliar, rove, straw, prescott, blunkett, smith (ids) etc should all go down with them as they all actively sought or supported the iraqi war and all sought profit, political or monetary, for themselves from it.