Friday, October 10, 2003

since when did it become normal for crap software developers to sue users who expose the shit they've produced?

a shabby little company called sunncomm have produced some trashy anti-cd-copying software which can be overcome by the simple action of holding down the shift key while the cd is read by the drive - stoppong the autorun function from working, thus preventing their grubby little program being installed from the cd.

if their anti-copying software can be stopped by such an action, they deserve to be sued by any company which has bought their useless software, as they have produced something which is far from secure and will not install on many, many windows machines as the users have disabled the autorun feature anyway.

sunncomm is threatening to sue a guy who exposed their trash for what it is. they should be thoroughly ashamed of themsleves, should have to pay this poor man damages for trying to ruin his reputation and should be stopped from using crap legislation (the u.s. d.c.m.a) to try to gag people who call them on the uselessness of their product.


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