Thursday, July 31, 2003

u.k. e-voting pilots deeply flawed.


steve hislop, r.i.p.

motorcycle news

the guardian

the independent

cash machines 'must display charges' says l.i.n.k..

why wait? a new sticker could be attached to each machine within days, so why wait months.

do not use 45-minute claim, c.i.a. told no. 10.

bliar still stands by the 45-min assertion, in the teeth of the evidence.

time for him to go - and not to the house of lords, but into complete obscurity, or better still to prison for war crimes.

read this:

pierre tristam: orwell's elephant and the parading of qusai and odai hussein.

if you only read his quote from orwell's "shooting an elephant", you'll understand more about the tragedy of empire than you ever will from a single paragraph of any other work.

shares down 24%. average earnings up 3%. boardroom pay up 23%.

why are share-holders and workers tolerating this?

i respect john chuckman in a way i respect few other political commentators. his attacks on the abusers of power are shining lights in the darkness created by the capitalist pig press.

answerable to no-one is an excellent piece - every voter in the world should be given a copy.

you can find lots of his articles with a search of his articles at

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

sharon rejects bush's call to take down 'security' fence.

well, he would, wouldn't he?

he's a lying, racist, child-killing, genocidal cunt. what else would he do other then renege on an agreement?

bush's little comment that sharon should "carefully consider the consequences of israel's actions" is seen by some as a warning, but how does that gel with this: "we'll continue to discuss and to dialogue on how best to make sure that the fence sends the right signal"?

that second comment, whle a true bushism showing his almost complete lack of confidence in the use of english, shows that he doesn't care that the wall's there, just that it says the right thing to people. my translation of this is that the wall's o.k. as long as sharon can convince bush's pals that the purpose is israeli safety - not cutting palestinians off from their land, their water, their food and their families, which is its real effect.

capitalist pig lap-dog, serial-liar, child-killer, tony bliar "hails big expansion of private surgical clinics".

i'm so glad to see the n.h.s. is in such a safe pair of hands.

won't someone please get this capitalist cunt out of office and please, please, please replace him with a socialist?

pretty please.

what is wrong with our fucking judges?

a woman who tried to kill a child by repeatedly, deliberately feeding her massive amounts of salt, resulting eventually in brain damage, was given only a four year gaol sentence after being found guilty of assault to the endangerment of life.

the bitch had installed a feeding tube in order to force the child to ingest the salt.

the bitch had made the child so ill that she needed hospital treatment on many occasions.

this was a deliberate, planned and prolonged assault on this child and an attempt to kill her.

how come this fucking slut was given such a tiny sentence when the child is permanently damaged? how come the judge thinks this child's life and well-being are worth so little?

i can only hope that the crown prosecution service, or whoever handles prosecutions in scotland, will appeal the sentence on the grounds that it is far too lenient for a brutal, prolonged and cruel assault on a helpless child.

or can i assume, as so often seems to be the case, that children are worth less in british law than adults and that nothing further will be done?

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

fuck this: our armed forces are being made a subsidiary to the u.s.' forces without us even being told about it by the lying hoon, straw and bliar.

these fuckers and all right-wingers who want these policies need to be removed from office - forcibly, if need be.

speaking of holidays, check out the place i went : paxos.

its beautiful, tranquil and hot. what more could one ask?

i missed this article by george monbiot because i was away on holiday and not reading the normal set of web sites. it's about global warming screwing the planet's ecosystems and it's really, really frightening.

at last, some fucking intelligence is being used in the fight against the drug dealers.

instead of trying to get rid of them by capturing tham all and going to the enormous expense of a trial, an experiment is under way to remove their market by giving heroin away free.

sensible people have been saying for years that this should be done.

now i may be a little bit silly, but isn't this what used to happen in this country when we had a very manageable couple of thousand heroin addicts (pre-1973) and what stopped happening in 1973, since when the number of addicts has gone up to over a million?

expect politicians from all parties to decry this experiment as a threat to civilisation and the end of life as we know it, because it'll almost certainly show how dumb they've been for the last 30 years in criminalising drug use. it'll almost certainly reduce the number of heroin addicts (because they'll be under no pressure to buy the fucking stuff) and get rid of some of the scum-bags who ruin children's lives with bad drugs - because their customers will be down the pharmacy getting nice, clean drugs for nothing.

i think it utterly stupid and unforgiveable that our politicians, under pressure from the u.s., made it illegal for doctors to prescribe heroin to registered addicts and, by doing so, kicked-off the massive heroin problem we're experiencing.

now, call me a cynic, but isn't it nearly always the case that the people who are most vociferous in calling for anything to be prohibited are those who stand to gain financially by that prohibition? so, shouldn't an investigation be carried-out to find out which of the american and british politicians or capitalists who were screaming for world-wide prohibition of heroin and other drugs have made millions, or billions, of dollars through the illegal sale of prohibited drugs? they are the real criminals, not the street-level dealers and certainly not the users who are forced into a life of crime to finance a habit they simply can't afford.

bbc winning battle for public trust.

well, it would, wouldn't it, when one considers that the public know that the lying bastards who are trying to discredit it are beneath contempt.

saddam's 14-year-old grandson, mustafa, had to fight, unsuccessfully, for his life against 80 armed-to-the-teeth u.s. soldiers.

let's hear it for those brave, brave soldiers and their even braver leaders, taking on the cream of the iraqi army all by themselves and winning at odds of only 80-1.

well done lads, purple hearts all round, then - especially for firing into a crowd of rock-throwing children and teenagers after you'd mudered mustafa, his father and his uncle.

yesterday, i had a go at the evil cunts in the israeli army who target children. the u.s. army is obviously exactly as evil.

i've said it before and i'll say it again, the u.s. is becoming like nazi germany.

at last, american journos are starting to realise it and are speaking out. ben roberts has this to say on the issue.

goodness, gracious me, an american jotrnalist who's brave enough to call dubya a big fat liar.

why has it taken so long?

have folks in the blog community not been using this term against him and tony bliar for months and months?

keep up, you journos, you're way behind the times.

here's a nice phrase: 'faith-based intelligence'; and here's an article at about how it works.

here's a handy glossary of u.s. / british government newspeak.

Monday, July 28, 2003

does israel target children?

do bears shit in the woods?

is the chief rabbi a jew?

is ariel sharon a war-mongering racist cunt?

"britain's chief rabbi, jonathan sacks, recently praised the israeli military as the most humanitarian in the world because it claims to risk its soldiers' lives to avoid killing innocent palestinians."

ha, fucking, ha, sacks, you mother-fucking liar: "among the latest victims of apparently indiscriminate shooting were three teenagers and an eight-year-old, yousef abu jaza, hit in the knee when soldiers shot at a group of children playing football in khan yunis. ", "the palestinian centre for human rights says at least 408 palestinian children have been killed since the beginning of the intifada in september 2000."

the israeli army has a well-documented record of brutality towards palestinians and all genocides have targeted children. the israelis are perpetuating genocide on the palestinians.

when will the powerful countries on the planet start to do something to stop these murderous bastards by imposing some economic sanctions?

i refuse to buy all israeli goods and actively search for palestinian substitutes, rare though they are. the rest of the world sshould do the same, and rabbi jonathan sacks should hang his head in shame for the lies he continues to tell about the disgusting bastards in the israeli army.

Friday, July 25, 2003

computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say.

goodness me, what a revelation!

there are some honest people working in the u.s. government. they have decided that boeing cannot work on future government rocket projects.

nice to see people with integrity flexing their muscles.

all the u.s. needs now is for the same people to be allowed to investigate enron and cheney, the lies about weapons of mass dillusion, what shrub knew beforehand about 9/11, the corruption created by capitalist pigs being able to buy politicians or even a whole government and the selection process for the supreme court and the whole fucking country would be a nicer, cleaner place.

coca-cola are destroying farm land in india in order to meet the demand for their sugar water.

multi-national companies like coca-cola are raping our planet and leaving millions of destitute people in their wake. well, they're getting no more of my money. neither are the following companies: (i may build a special page for this and add to it as time goes on)

  • coca-cola

  • pepsi-cola

  • mcdonald's

  • pizza hut

  • levi's

  • ford

  • gap

  • nike

  • esso

in fact, just about every american company and many, many european ones.

apparently bliar's having discussions about whether to sack alistair campbell.

let's be clear.

what's needed is, at the very least, for the following people to resign their posts on the grounds that they have consistently lied to the british public and to parliament:

  • tony bliar

  • geoff goon

  • jack strawman

  • david blindcunt

  • john red

  • fatty prescott

  • ali campbell

there are many others, but i can't be arsed to list them all.

in brief, the government should resign, a general election should be called and the current cabinet should never be considered for high office again because they are all liars and tools of the capitalist pigs.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

bliar's cuntish policies are forcing hospital administrators to cancel patients' follow-up appointments in order to attain the treasury's spending targets.

old ladies are going blind because of it.

bliar and his bunch of ineffective, fascistic little cunts have to go.

would it be legal for me to say that in my opinion s.c.o. are a bunch of greedy, capitalist pig bastards?

why might i want to say such a thing?

take a look at this article at the register.

attorney general to demand legal advice for british terror suspects at camp delta.

why wasn't he doing this 18 months ago when these men were arrested?

and what's he going to do when they tell him to fuck off?


and how would access to a lawyer provide them with a fair trial, anyway, when the fucking nazi americans have already decided that normal concepts of justice don't apply to them and that they deserve none of the protections provided by either the geneva convention or the u.s. constitution? the u.s. government wants these men dead, guilty or not, so that they can continue their lies to the american people that they're doing something about terrorism - other than encouraging it, i mean.

john helmer: perfidious albion and the lying american.

read the first paragraph of this article - it's the truest thing i've ever read : don't attack the b.b.c. - you can't win.

how do these two things go together?

u.k. signs u.n. anti-torture protocol

torture testimony 'acceptable'

we don't allow or condone torture, but if it did happen, it'd be ok to use the testimony thus obtained in court?

fuck off.

the most dangerous home secretary we have ever had?


an totalitatrian cunt to the core. he needs to be removed from office immediately and replaced with someone with at least some care about human rights - instead, when the time comes for the bastard to be replaced, we'll probably get some even worse little cunt.

here's just one reason why - a one-sided extradition treaty with the fascist u.s. which leaves british citizens with no rights.

the man is more dangerous even than his extremely authoritarian boss, the cunt bliar.

it's time for a popular uprising here to sweep these bastards from power and to replace them with men of the people, rather than the capitalist pig lackeys that we're currently ruled by.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

w.m.o. says we're fucked.

i understand george bush's response was to order another s.u.v.

berlusconi destroys italy's e.u. presidency on only day two.

the man's a fucking lunatic and a criminal. he should never have been allowed to run for office in italy and he should definitely not be allowed to preside over the e.u.

the fight back on behalf of normal working people begins.

with so many union leaders completely disillusioned with "new" labour's capitalist policies and its constant grubbing for money, i can see a time when "new" labour will disappear - hopefully to be replaced with a socialist party which doesn't have a child-killing, war-mongering, capitalist pig at its head.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

bush won't meet mandela on a visit he make to s africa.

shows what a childish, mentally unhealthy little cunt he is.

was a time when ali campbell was lead singer with 80s band ub40, now his name-sake deserves his ub40.