sharon rejects bush's call to take down 'security' fence.
well, he would, wouldn't he?
he's a lying, racist, child-killing, genocidal cunt. what else would he do other then renege on an agreement?
bush's little comment that sharon should "carefully consider the consequences of israel's actions" is seen by some as a warning, but how does that gel with this: "we'll continue to discuss and to dialogue on how best to make sure that the fence sends the right signal"?
that second comment, whle a true bushism showing his almost complete lack of confidence in the use of english, shows that he doesn't care that the wall's there, just that it says the right thing to people. my translation of this is that the wall's o.k. as long as sharon can convince bush's pals that the purpose is israeli safety - not cutting palestinians off from their land, their water, their food and their families, which is its real effect.
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