Friday, June 27, 2003

the royal commission on environmental protection recommends a quick review of untested chemicals to check their safety.

very sensible. very well thought through. very public-spirited.

but 'a spokesman for the uk chemical industries association said: "bringing in a new system only for the uk would be another burden on our manufacturing members and might be another reason why they would shift abroad ... where they would not have to do these tests."'

translation: uk chemical industries association members put profits above safety.

amongst all the naziism in the u.s., a tiny glimmer of hope for everyone as the supreme court overturns anti-sodomy laws in the whole federation.

predictably, the ultra-right-wing nutters on the supreme court (william rehnquist, antonin scalia & clarence thomas) dissented, but the sensible ones won. the complete nutter scalia said that the supreme court 'has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda. it has taken sides in the culture wars'.

it astounds me that extreme right-wing nut-cases like scalia have the audacity to make statements like that. he is 'taking sides' in a 'war' of his own mental invention and dares to attack people who dissent from his views of a totally imaginary dispute.

the other justices took a long hard look at the human rights issues involved with anti-sodomy laws and decided that peoples' human rights are violated by them, so they changed them. this is not 'taking sides', it is doing the job properly and impartially - two concepts that rehnquist, scalia & thomas would do well to read-up on, since they patently don't understand them at all.

all we need now is for the supremes majority to overturn their previous ruling which gave bush his illegal presidency and the whole world will start to become a sensible place once again.

other mad bastards conservatives have claimed that the ruling will 'undermine society and lead to same-sex marriages'.

undermine society? how?

lead to same-sex marriages? why? and what would be so wrong with them anyway?

britain's becoming as bad as the fucking u.s. :

this is no way to treat children or anyone else who comes to this country seeking safety.

bliar's britan is becoming brutal in its treatment of minorities and uncaring about human rights in a way that hasn't been seen here for a very long time.

the fuss in the papers about whether ali campbell lied or not (fucking nonsense - his job is to lie) only obscures the appalling way that people are being treated here.

bliar should be sacked, his cabinet should be sacked, a new prime minister (preferably someone with a heart) needs to be elected and the whole governmental edifice needs to be reformed to stop the abuses of power in which bliar and his handlers indulge.

jackson thoreau's move out of a bush-league state shows quite clearly that the u.s. is sliding into naziism at an alarming and increasing rate. it is a welcome warning to the world and especially to the american people of what their president and his handlers are up to.

it chimes well with other sites which have examined bush's grandfather's links with nazis in the early 20th century. many are listed at bush crime family links.

Monday, June 23, 2003

israel defies road-map and vows to build settlements.

are we really supposed to act surprised when a bunch of israeli land-thieves does the opposite of what they said they would?

Friday, June 20, 2003

christian science monitor admits it lied about george galloway.

quote from the guardian: "when new information cast doubt on the documents, we conducted an extensive investigation of their authenticity. this has culminated in the virtual certainty that they were forged," monitor editor paul van slambrouck wrote in the boston-based newspaper's account of its internal investigation of the documents.

funny how a check on their authenticity was only carried-out long after mr galloway's reputation had been destroyed.

when will the glorious "new" labour party reinstate his party membership which was suspended after this crappy little rag made its unsubstantiated allegations against him?

it'll reinstate it after he's been prevented from standing in the by-election this summer, of course, giving one of "new" labour's creepy little shits a free run at the new glasgow constituency.

gods, it's wonderful to live in a mature democracy like the u.k.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

gulf war ii - american forces faced with a well-equipped, well-trained iraqi army?

fuck off.

they were a bunch of scum, killing only civilians 'cos there was no iraqi army left.

bliar's lies about iraqi "wmd" were orchestrated over a prolonged period.

more proof that the little fucker should be sacked now for his continued and continuing lies to the british people.

more lies from bliar.

now he's broken-off talks with the spanish gov about gibraltar.

the spanish claim to have no problem with how the talks were proceeding, but bliar's lackeys say the 'chances of striking a deal that was acceptable to Gibraltarians were "simply zero"'.

full marks for not trying and lots of lying, lads.

this is fucking outrageous.

bliar and campbell will both refuse to answer questions about "wmd" when asked by the commons select committee which is investigating whether bliar lied to parliament about the reasons for the war in iraq.

if ever proof were needed that they were lying from the start, this is it.

bliar should be sacked now, arrested and tried for war crimes.

he's a lying little shit who has misled the public since he took office as p.m. and has lied to parliament about "wmd".

he has to go immediately.

his handler, campbell, should never have been allowed to take public money for his role - since he's an advisor in a party sense, he should be being paid by "new" labour, not the tax-payer. bliar should also be tried for misuse of public funds in his employment of campbell and all his other advisors.

Friday, June 06, 2003

glanmor bows out.

about fucking time, too.

this man has presided over the most disastrous events to overtake welsh rugby. he should have been sacked years ago.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

his job is on the line... is it game over?.

let's pray to all our gods that reid really does get sacked. "little commie becomes little fascist" is not a nice thing to have to watch (reid - geddit???).

toxic substances found in letters in belgium.

wouldn't be from america and related to the fact that belgium is one of the few countries on earth with legislation which makes it legal for bush to be indicted for his war crimes there, would it?

failure of foundation hospitals may cost billions.

surprise, surprise, surprise. the's going to give away loads of our money with no serious safeguards on how it is managed.

what else would one expect of capitalist piggies like bliar and millburn?

peace given a chance as israel bows to u.s., not.

what a fucking stupid headline for an article which says exactly the opposite - that ariel 'serial-murderer and child-killer' sharon had already issued a press release back-tracking on everything he said in his speech before he even made the fucking speech.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

gods, i love the united states of america.  it is truly the land of the free.

Monday, June 02, 2003

here's one i'll add bits to as i find them: bliar's lies about iraq.

gary jones And tom newton dunn, the mirror : 87 wmd sites are cleared.

andrew grice and david usborne, the independent : the niger connection: tony bliar, forged documents and the case for war.

howard kurtz, washington post : criticism of bliar over iraq reaches a roar .

neil mackay and david pratt, sunday herald : blair fell for u.s. spin on iraq wmd and ignored u.k. advice.

tom whitehead and james lyons, pa news, the independent : pressure grows in britain and u.s. for weapons inquiries. : what a tangled web we weave....

fraser nelson in evian and alison hardie, the scotsman : finger of blame points at bliar.

dan plesch and richard norton-taylor, the guardian : transcripts raise alarm across nato.

suzanne goldenberg in washington and richard norton-taylor, the guardian : powell's doubts over cia intelligence on iraq prompted him to set up secret review.

jim wolf, reuters (quoted at : u.s. insiders say iraq intel deliberately skewed.

nigel morris, the independent : short renews attack over wmd and bliar's "deception"

greg miller, los angeles times (quoted at : top marine commander calls analysis of iraqi weapons "simply wrong".

from islam online (quoted at : "i'm not reading this.  this is bullshit" - powell voiced doubts over iraq's wmds.

did anyone ever need convincing that clarence thomas is one of the worst men ever to be placed on the us supreme court?

here it is.

fuck bush, fuck his stinking country, fuck his stinking gm foods.