Monday, June 02, 2003

here's one i'll add bits to as i find them: bliar's lies about iraq.

gary jones And tom newton dunn, the mirror : 87 wmd sites are cleared.

andrew grice and david usborne, the independent : the niger connection: tony bliar, forged documents and the case for war.

howard kurtz, washington post : criticism of bliar over iraq reaches a roar .

neil mackay and david pratt, sunday herald : blair fell for u.s. spin on iraq wmd and ignored u.k. advice.

tom whitehead and james lyons, pa news, the independent : pressure grows in britain and u.s. for weapons inquiries. : what a tangled web we weave....

fraser nelson in evian and alison hardie, the scotsman : finger of blame points at bliar.

dan plesch and richard norton-taylor, the guardian : transcripts raise alarm across nato.

suzanne goldenberg in washington and richard norton-taylor, the guardian : powell's doubts over cia intelligence on iraq prompted him to set up secret review.

jim wolf, reuters (quoted at : u.s. insiders say iraq intel deliberately skewed.

nigel morris, the independent : short renews attack over wmd and bliar's "deception"

greg miller, los angeles times (quoted at : top marine commander calls analysis of iraqi weapons "simply wrong".

from islam online (quoted at : "i'm not reading this.  this is bullshit" - powell voiced doubts over iraq's wmds.


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