Wednesday, March 22, 2006

i'm writing so little here, and there's so much to write about.

trouble is, i don't know where to start.

the terrorism bill, the legislative reform bill, the i.d. card bill, a.n.p.r., using congestion charging as a means of surveillance, cctv in public places. the list is endless.

and the whole fucking lot means more and more power for bliar and his twats, more and more influence for the rich, and less and less freedom for us. the long, steady slide into fascism.

it doesn't have to be this way.

instead of hobbes' useless "swap your liberty for security" model, we could have locke's social contract.

the problem is how to make it happen without having a revolution.

i don't want a revolution, because they are never truly bloodless and i don't want to see anyone get hurt. a social revolution is required - not an overthrow of government but a forcing of the politicians to understand that we won't tolerate their constant meddling in our lives, that they are our employees, that we set the agenda, not them.

this means, of course, that most of the current crop would not be re-elected ever again. but that's no bad thing in some ways - new people with new ideas is sometimes good in and of itself. having loads of m.p.s who have little or no experience may make things a bit shaky to start with, but the career civil servants are there to help - i wonder if they could be trusted to do their jobs properly after such a change?

dream on, anthony. most people in this country don't even have the guts to write to their m.p. and tell them that they want change - they aren't going to go out on the streets and demand it.


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