Saturday, March 04, 2006

fascism in the u.k.

i am becoming increasingly alarmed at the type of government in the u.k.

our p.m. is fast losing his marbles, now believing that some god or other should judge his behaviour regarding the iraq war. here's a clue, tony boy : there is no god and the people who will judge you are the electorate in this country. you have fooled them twice with your weasel words, but don't expect to get away with it for too much longer. they're gearing up to get rid of you : see liberty central.

there are constant acts of parliament which are eroding out liberty at an ever-increasing rate, including legislation to :

  • allow ministers to make law with no parliamentary debate and minimal, prejudiced over-sight;

  • force us all to carry i.d. cards and have our biometric data stored on a central database;

  • protect vulnerable groups (why not individuals?) from harm but including express permission for the home secratary to amend the legislation any way he / she likes, exempting prisons from the provisions and allowing no-one to claim damages if the various registers in use cause them to be harmed because the data held are incorrect;

  • "anti-terrorist" legislation that makes it possible to lock up anyone for 90 days without having to present any evidence of wrong-doing to a court;

  • "anti-terrorist" legislation that makes it illegal to protest about the actions of government, corporations or individuals;

  • "anti-terrorist" legislation that allows an 80+ year old man to be arrested just for saying that the foreign secretary is talking "nonsense";

  • allow an a.c.p.o. a.n.p.r. data gathering scheme that will allow all our vehicle journeys to be tracked and stored for years;

  • allow anyone to put up public-surveillance cameras just about anywhere with no control of the use of those cameras or of the operators' suitability for the job they are given;

  • allow extradition to the u.s.a. for offenes not even allegedly committed in the u.s.a. and without a court here deciding whether there is a case to be answered;

  • allow energy companies to constantly profiteer, stealing all our hard-earned money to line their share-holders' pockets;

  • allow vehicle drivers to be convicted of speeding by making them sign confessions under duress;

  • disallow the use of rights of way by motor vehicles, retaining them only for "ramblers" in their idiotic breeches and woolly socks.

i could go on and on, but i think you get the gist of it.

this country is fast becoming a police state, run by a religious fanatic supported by a bunch of power-hungry m.p.s who think that their job is to rubber-stamp every illiberal, fascistic action of this evil man.

one of the most scary things about it all is that david cameron, very rich man, old-etonian and tory leader, sounds more left-wing than our beloved, supposedly labour, p.m.

it's time bliar was removed from power. roll on the next general election.


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