Tuesday, February 01, 2005

10 years for killing brave fireman.

yet another case (see my posting about michael stone) where one person's word is enough to secure a conviction.

since 1215 and the magna carta, british law has stated quite clearly that no-one can be found guilty in court with only one person's word as the evidence against them.

two cases in two weeks show that british justice is a sham.

i don't know whether the 'fireman three' and michael stone are guilty, but i'm sure as hell that the word of one person is not sufficient to convict them.

when will this end? how many more people are going to go to prison in cases where the prosecution's evidence is flimsy in the extreme, consisting of one accusation and no corroborating forensic evidence, before the british people get off their arses and start shouting?

do we have to wait until big-ears has locked-up members of all the opposition parties for being 'terrorist suspects' because he says they are? or can we hope for the law lords to put their collective foot down and end this crap?


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