Thursday, August 14, 2003

the war-mongering capitalist pig, geoff hoon, personally ensured that, against all rules of civil service independence and all concept of ministerial responsibility, forced dr david kelly to appear before the commons foreign affairs committee.

it would have been 'presentationally' difficult for the government for him not to appear, even though civil servants are supposed to be kept out of the public eye in order for them to maintain impartiality - otherwise they may start doing things in such a way that justcovers their arses.

that all hoon should give a fuck about is presentation says all that needs to be said about his ineptitude and deep unsuitability for a very important public role. we, his employers, should be screaming for his removal from office and his arrest for war-crimes and for putting dr kelly in such an untenable position that the poor man committed suicide.

hoon and the rest of bliar's lying, deceiving little bastards should be removed from power, by force if necessary, and locked away as traitors for a very long time.


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