Thursday, August 14, 2003

new head of c.p.s. has drugs and speeding convictions.

don't we have a rehabilitation of offenders act? shouldn't he be judged on his ability to do his job, not his previous record - the same as the people he prosecutes are - at least, they are until blindcuntt's assumption of guilt becomes the norm in british law.

the person who gave this information out should be prosecuted under the rehabilitation of offenders act, for he/she has clearly committed an offence by revealing a spent conviction.

whether the man got his job through cronyism is a separate matter and should be dealt with as such; if he did, he should be dismissed immediately and the recruitment process recommenced. there is, of course, no reason why he should not be re-employed - but on merit, not 'cos he's given mrs bliar a job at his legal chambers or 'cos she's given him a job - a blow-job :))))


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