Friday, August 08, 2003

cunty bliar has ruined and despoiled everything of any importance to most people in this country.

  • he's privatised the railways, turning them into a completely useless form of transport - always late, always filthy, always over-filled;

  • he's used p.p.p. and p.f.i. as means of covertly selling to his corporate pay-masters our schools, hospitals, transport infrastructure, benefits provision, prisons etc;

  • he's continued to undermine workers' rights;

  • he's taken our armed forces into an illegal, immoral war using lies, deception and spin to make the case for his imperialistic adventurism;

  • he's reduced our international standing to that of lap-dog of the u.s.

in short, he's sold our country to the very capitalst pigs that labour was created to keep in check. he's a fascist and a liar.

the british people should rise up and remove him and his capitalist pig lackeys from power and imprison them all for war crimes and crimes against the people and institutions of the u.k.


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