Friday, August 22, 2003

i sincerely hope that no other countries will offer to send troops to help the u.s. and u.k. to clear up the appalling mess in iraq that they created with their wholly illegal, wholly immoral invasion.

shrub, powell, cheney, bliar, strawman, loon and all the others who fomented this war at the behest of their capitalist pig pay-masters must be shown to have got this whole thing totally and utterly wrong.

they must be made to stand by their assertion that they did not need the u.n. to make the war legal - they shouldn't be able to use it to make the faux-peace legal either; it's not, it's an illegal occupation.

rather than assisting these murderous pigs, all foeign governments should be screaming for the occupation forces to be returned home and for the u.s. and the u.k. to pay reparations - and the bastards who committed their countries' servicemen to the war should be made to pay all of their personal fortunes as a partial penalty for their crimes.


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