Monday, February 17, 2003

tony "i'm fighting for my political life" blair obviously believes that democracy starts and ends with our pathetic first past the post electoral system, since he patently does not think that a popular outpouring of anger, disgust at his continued war-mongering is not a proper part of the democratic process: blair to defy anti-war protests.

the guardian has, as always been far to polite to the little shit; the headline should have read "blair to ignore anti-war protest and go ahead and butcher tens of thousands of innocent iraqi children".


the anally-retentive rupert murdoch has told all his editors that they must back a war with iraq by giving an interview supporting a war.

that all his editors are crawling up his, bush's, powell's, rumsfeld's and blair's arses and supporting war shows just how spine-free they all are.


these bastards call anti-war sentiment anti-americanism, accusing opponents of war of racism, yet they play the race card themselves, very heavy-handidily, to try to make people want a war by appealing to good old-fashined anti-french sentiment in every article. they accuse people who express anti-war sentiments of defending or being apologists for saddam.

get the message, racist bastards:

we're not anti-american, we're anti-war;

we're not saddam's apologists, we just don't want thousands of innocent iraqis toasted;

OK? simple enough for you, morons?


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