i'm really impressed by this kurt nimmo bloke. much of what he writes expresses exactly how i feel, but his use of english is far better then mine.
his smirkingchimp.com article, let's call bush on his bogus terror threats, contains the same sentiments i've tried to get over with my rants about tony "i'm fighting for my political life" blair's and john read's lies about terrorists (see my postings from yesterday).
what surprises me most about all these unreal terrorist threat things is that otherwise-sensible senior policemen and soldiers will go along with it when they, too, must know that what they're being asked to take part in is such obvious nonsense. why won't they just say no? are they scared of the little shit (blair, i mean) - surely not - they only need to look at the self-satisfied smirk on his face to know that he hasn't the moral strength to fight them. or are they just pulling a nuremberg trial defence? - "i was just following orders, guv" - pathetically spine-free.
talking about self-satisfied smirks (from which smirkingchimp.com was named, of course):
it's been said many times about bush, but blair's getting that look - of a juvenile chimpanzee who's just had a very satisfying shit and feels in complete control of his world because he can contain his bowel movements sufficiently to avoid crapping on his feet.
if you don't find bush's and blair's smirking chimp expressions more scary than anything else on earth, you ain't thinking, kid.
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