wearing religious symbols in public
in case anyone misinterprets the reason i posted my last thing - i don't intend to have a go at anyone about wearing religious symbols in public.
people can wear what the fuck they please; they just shouldn't expect me to show them special 'respect' or, indeed, even acknowledge the fact that they're wearing them, 'cos as far as i'm concerned, showing you're a religionist marks you out as an idiot, deserving the 'special' treatment that schools reserve for 'under-achieving' children - remedial education to disabuse you of your silly ideas.
several commentators seem to be having a go as muslims, in particular, for wearing religious symbols in public. but what strikes me as odd is that they're particularly having a go as some muslim women for wearing veils of different types.
this is really sexist.
do these same people have a go at the near 100% of male office workers who wear that stupidest of items - the tie?
where the fuck did such a stupid item of clothing originate?
it looks to me like a willy extension - 'look at me, my cock reaches all the way up to my throat - and it's covered in flowers!!!!'
how fucking stupid.
you may guess from this that i refuse to wear ties. i have a huge collection of them, given me by many people, but i won't wear the cunting things except when i wish to appear particularly dumb, wearing a vilely coloured one along with that other sign of human male idiocy - the 'business suit'.
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