beatrix campbell : an infantile disorder; roy hattersley : rhetoric becomes reality.
the labour party's guaranteed never to get my vote until it finds out where its bollocks are and stops allowing bliar and brown to run the country with no reference back to the party and to stop the fucking spin: 'spin doesn't so much provide blue cover for a slightly red project as lay claim to the party's social democratic logo for a post-thatcherite project.'
'tony bliar plays leapfrog with his own party, and each leap moves Labour further to the right of the political spectrum. that technique, like so much in his campaign to rebuild Labour in his own image, is a brilliant stratagem. it is being passively accepted by members of parliament who think of nothing other than retaining their own seats. i hear them rejoice at the thought of the prime minister outflanking michael howard. do they not care that, at the same time, he is side-tracking socialism?'
why does everyone wait for 'respectable' journalists to tell them things like this. private eye, s.w.p., me and other bloggers have been writing about it for fucking ages.
'new' labour is theft of a socialist symbol in order to promote capitalism, corporatism, fascism, never-ending war and real terror - terrorism of the people by the government and its puppet armed forces.
real labour needs to put an end to it.
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