Friday, March 21, 2003

how did this appalling little shit richard perle ever get any influence in u.s. politics? every word he writes in his article in the guardian about how pleased he is that the u.n. is damaged, reeks of an extreme right-wing position where might is right and the weak get trampled under the jackboots of unthinking, uncompassionate, programmed soldiers.

why do the american people continue to allow intolerant fascists like this set their political aganda?

perle is a psychopath. like all psychopaths he only wants, he cannot give anything except pain and he has no conscience. he will help foment the conditions that will create world war three. his view of control over military might coincides exactly with that of another well-known fascist who started the second world war and used the same language to justify his illegal actions.

may the gods protect us from this man. may they take him from us prematurely so that the rest of the planet may be more at ease.

since i'm in work, you can tell that i cravenly caved-in to my bullying manager - i need the money - but i'm looking hard for a new job and trying to discover what i can do about him under employment law.


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