Thursday, July 15, 2004

arthur lenk : my tale of two courts.

bullshit, crap, nonsense, rubbish. how many ways can you say it?

one quotation says it all about this bloody man's attitude: "the [israeli supreme] court ruled that israel had a right to build a fence to protect its citizens but it needed to weigh those concerns proportionately with concerns about those affected by the route of the fence. it was a fair, reasoned decision that understood what has gone on in the region since the palestinian leadership decided to adopt a strategy of violence and terrorism instead of compromise and dialogue."

so, israelis invading palestine, killing palestinians - especially children - just for being on the streets, building settlements on palestinian land and stealing palestinian farmers' livelihoods, cutting down palestinian olive trees, using chemical weapons and nerve agents on palestinians is not israelis "adopt[ing] a strategy of violence and terrorism", is it?

i am heartily sick of israeli apologists pretending that the palestinians started all this and are the sole cause of its continuation.

israelis are in a country not their own. israelis are farming land not their own. israelis are killing palestinians on a genocidal scale. israelis are shooting palestinian children. israelis are demolishing palestinian houses with the occupants inside. israelis are using chemical weapons. israelis are using nerve gas.

who are the fucking terrorists, lenk, you cunt?


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