Monday, February 24, 2003

it appears that both the military and the spooks are against a war in iraq, so what the fuck is going on? why the headlong rush into a war that can only hurt innocent people?

blair's a well-known murderous cunt, manic self-publicist, war-monger and capitalist lackey - seller (along with john major and margaret thatcher) of the uk economy to global corporations - and he's listening to somebody or other and it's certainly no-one with britain's best interests at heart, so it must be some people who stand to make loads of money out of a war. so let's see if we can think of a list...

  • george w bush - well-known nazi, serial killer, money-grubber, criminal, cunt, election stealer and destroyer of the us economy, has attention-span of a particularly stupid gnat and intelligence of a wilted daffodil - his penis is probably similar in stiffness to the daffodil, unless he's got a stiffy from thinking about the mass murder of iraqi children; murderous cunt;

  • margaret thatcher - junkie, capitalist lackey, seller-out of the uk economy to corporate pirates; cunt;

  • john major - well-known adulterer, capitalist lackey and money-grubber; cunt;

  • geoff hoon - almost completely unknown war-monger and proponent of use of nuclear weapons; cunt;

  • jack straw - crap foreign secretary, blair's lap-dog, formerly had balls (apparently), now spine-free; cunt;

  • colin powell - used to be known as the only truth-speaker in the us government, now totally discredited and lies just as much as, or more than all the other war-mongering cunts in the white house; cunt;

  • dick cheney and donald rumsfeld - well-known liars, religious fundamentalists, war-mongers, fascists, cunts, nazis, the real controllers of the us - bush is their moronic puppet; cunts;

  • john ashcroft - well-known serial-killer, nazi, destroyer of justice and democracy in the us, sexual pervert, liar and cunt; freedom-hating, pro-police state fascist; get ready for room 101 everyone; cunt.

when i see a list of supporters of war that contains that lot, i fear for the very existence of our planet. i know damn certainly that we'll be living in a police state within a couple of years and that i'll have to join whatever resistance movement kicks off against it, so i'll probably end up being tortured to death for calling blair a murderous cunt. so, if it's going to happen anyway, i may as well enjoy writing it, so....

tony blair's a murderous cunt and i hope he burns in hell for eternity, along with everyone on the planet who either supports or encourages his war-mongering.


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